
It’s almost like other teams are forced to game plan around him and match up there best defenders on him, allowing the Pens other players to reap the benefits

+/- is a worthless stat.

On one hand: fuck Crosby

No one forced you to click on this and read it. If you don’t want to read about politics, then don’t. And, by the way, this article is about technologies (Twitter, phones...) so it’s completely appropriate.

Rudolph, do us a favor, and stop equating inconsequential things to cancer. Makes you look unintelligent.


Yet, when compared to the other Netflix shows, to me at least, the drop off in quality is not that severe.

The new Wasp, Nadia Pym - white. Spider-Gwen - white (obviously). New Quasar - white. Gwenpool - white. And there’s likely more I can’t think of off the top of my head (I could put Laura “Wolverine” Kinney’s new sister, Gabby, in there, but so far I don’t think she counts as a superhero).

Theodore Roosevelt said that speaking out against criticism of the President “is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”

Dick Grayson would be too showy/acrobatic to be effective. Cassandra Cain is a metahuman, no matter how writers try to deny it. Which puts Bruce Wayne up top. I’d say Dick Grayson as second, since he’s got a good bit of experience. Tim Drake above Duke and Stephanie. Training is one thing, but as Rhonda Rousey just

Jones does not have her medals.

I didn’t enjoy the prequels but you need a little bit of chat or everything’s just flashes and noise.

But didn’t the medical examiner also admit she was wrong?

Black family, not black race.

Really? I like it. A bit busy, but I feel ike it’s more streamlined than the TV show one.

It’s purposely awful. This is a young Flash just starting out that made his own costume using spare parts and 3D printing. It has been reported for like 6 months that by the end of the film, he will receive a proper costume, most likely courtesy of Bruce Wayne.

Grindelwald just made a mistake.

No fictional story needs to be told. Stop purposefully being a wet blanket.

No puppet.