
Zoom buddy, this one I sense has a lot of sarcasm all over it.

I really though the ridiculous Matt Smith rumor was that he was going to be playing a time traveler that was trying to reset the events from the Last Jedi.

Rresponses like Toobin’s have got to become the (minimum) standard by which the media operates if we are to survive this catastrophe of an administration.

Why can’t we have original stories with existing characters, particularly a blank slate like Boba Fett.

You don’t speak for all veterans. Veterans do not get to decide what the flag/anthem mean to the citizens of this country.

You can repeat yourself as often as you like, and you’ll still be wrong.

And yet, here you are.

there are many things wrong with this comment :D

Then please leave.  You won’t be missed.  

Should we not give kudos to someone for doing the right thing, and having a positive impact?

But here you are.

Okay so take away those 3 points and then the 8 the Vikings scored because of this atrocious call and the Packers win

Why would a sibling then name their child after their estranged, homicidal sibling?”

The boat sinks, people!  *Titanic breaks $1 billion mark*

No, the movie was great. Why would it be pointless?

Nope. I was deeply invested in Janet getting out of the Quantum Realm.  

*waves hand* A space wizard did it.

Go fuck yourself.

You’re a fucking idiot.