PS5 for the exclusives, all the way, with Game Pass for PC on the side to play all the first party Microsoft Studios games (and many others) on my PC.
PS5 for the exclusives, all the way, with Game Pass for PC on the side to play all the first party Microsoft Studios games (and many others) on my PC.
you don’t run games off the disc anymore. The game has to be installed to the SSD to be played, disc or not. So no new code to add there, but...almost all games ship on PC too so devs have to account for scalability anyway. The equal power thing only matters to developers of PS5-only games, pretty much all of which…
I’m guessing this will be the last generation with a disk drive option, so we might as well enjoy it while we can! I bet it won't be more popular at launch, but over this generation's life cycle it will out sell the model with a drive.
Its worth cutting price to them because it ensures all games come through Playstation Network where they get most retail. Thus you take a loss on console to ensure increased revenue on game sales. Its fairly common and most expected it to be $100 cheaper for that reason. But they are identical other than the disc.
It’s a 4k blu-ray disc drive. Those are pretty expensive and probably need to be built differently from the digital ones so it costs more
For the “Wait, what?” factor, it’s still hard to top WoW’s invisible superpower rabbits, controlling everything from the shadows.
Totally agree. Usually this kind of fetch-quest/go do stuff you already did quest structure feels joyless but I really appreciated making the old rounds and getting these throwback gifts.
all of yall really sound like kpop stans bickering rn lol
Someone didn’t get their nap in today.
Yo, it’s an inanimate object. You don’t need to get offended for it. It has no feelings and it’s going to make money hand over fist. It doesn’t need you to play defense.
Many people have called out how big the PS5 is including Kotaku. Also Luke is mainly an XBOX guy..On top of that though this was about the XSX because they have the shell of it in their offices. It has nothing to do with Sony. In fact they don’t even mention Sony. Your insecurity brought you to that conclusion.
I think you might be a little too defensive regarding this article. Nothing negative is stated at all. I’m definitely getting a Series X once I upgrade to a 4K TV next year, and there’s really no arguing that it’s a big friggin box.
Wow... Projecting much?? He made an article about the true size of the XSX. It is huge by volume and wait. It’s form factor makes it look smaller than it actually is.
Regardless of that you comment definitely comes from a place of insecurity for an inanimate box of plastic, metal and silicon.
Relax, disconnect yourself…
a breath of fresh air...
Would it be so hard to name these Xbox 3 and 3s?
I was really impressed that she managed to make Elizabeth and Aloy very distinct characters despite having the same voice.
Ash has always been impressive in her work starting from HAWP.
I mean, Destiny is repetitive gameplay, too. Do you like shooting aliens, because holy shit do you fight a lot of aliens. But Destiny is hugely successful and can be a real blast, even in single-player (sometimes).