
These rich private school boys would never have faced consequences for their horrible attitudes where it not for the internet collectively shaming them. I wish that “talk shit get hit” was the answer for kids like this but honestly that just promotes more violence in poor schools. Wealthy private religious institutions

I’ve been sexually assaulted, severely. And I’ve also seen false accusations ruin lives. Publishing a list like this is extremely irresponsible, yes we should be believing victims. But don’t think for a minute that people won’t use false accusations of sexual violence to bring someone down.  It happens and its getting

Aaand Naw u zee zer iz nuthing zu cahn pozzezz zhat eye cahnnot tayke.

It was almost good, what it needed was music, the long stretches without any sound were clearly for music interludes that didn’t exist in the final video.

Fuck this asshole, better yet, don’t. 

Yeah this whole thing is like a microcosm of the game itself. 

Thank you for this. 

If you need a number to tell you how much to like something or not than you are a god-damned moron.

Such a great bag!

I always wanted to make my version of skyrim the official one, with every Inn being unique, every jarl house different, Massively improved LOD, improved magic system, crafting that you cant level to max with just daggers, Ability to reject quests, Talk like a kaajiit, Start in a prison, etc, etc.  Skyrim finally

Or a story that isnt told in boring ass audio diaries. 

Hear, hear.

Gonna be a lot worse when tuna is impossible to find in 20 years because of fish stock collapse from a one two punch of climate change and overfishing. 

I need this in sticker form

It’s a comforting falsehood to believe that such hate is born from internalized self hatred, but that is mistake.  Some the the prettiest, happiest people i have ever met, have been the most hateful racists imaginable. Some people are just shit. 

More of a boring dystopia

  Dude, your argument is only a few steps away from “Just suck my dick and maybe you can get this role on my new show” its fucking terrible.  Are we not to name and shame this sort of behavior as part of a society that values treating women with respect?? Would you feel as strongly about “thats just the way it is”

haaaaaaave we? I mean really?

All it takes to be a mother is some semen and time. Have you ever had to suck dick to feed an addiction?

Or you know they could have just called and asked before hand.......or literally anything that was able to be done. But no, they charged in guns raised and shot the dude complying.