
Its the west coast, and the homelessness is a symptom of the increasing poverty in America that is going ignored by all the major press organizations and obviously the Trump adminstration isnt going to focus on it. I consider the amount of homelessness i see on the west coast as kind of a canary in a coal mine

Dayumn. That is one sexy cosplay hunka beef.

how is she progressive?

Say it again and again and again. FEDERAL POLICE STANDARDS. AINT GONNA HAPPEN LONG AS CONSERVATIVES ARE IN POWER. In an other country these executors of the will.of the state would be vilified. In our cuckservative hellscape they are victims of non complient blacks that forced them to “protect” themselves.

Sometimes, its fun to be an asshole.

How dare you be even slightly doubting Destiny 2 Kirk! Where’s the loyalty we’ve come to expect from you?! I’ll be leaving a complaint with Kotaku central services.

They prefer the term Chromatic

Sadly that's already happening.

This is the problem with art and games being run my MBA's yeah I know that it makes sense as a business decision. It still sucks that this is probably where gaming is going. Mobile and tablet. I think im not alone here when i say FUCK THAT.


That fixed it for me thanks.