There was an article over the weekend that these “Bikers for Trump” dum-dums can’t (read: won’t) get their “Pro-Trump” shirts made in the US because they’ll be $8 more. So they get them made in Haiti. So much for ‘Mericuh First huh, boys?
HamNo showed up. What the fuck did you do? I mean besides sit on your ass and mock the people willing fight your battles for you.
MLK got killed. It took many riots before the the Acts were passed.
Punching Nazi’s will never not be an absolute good.
I’m more than fine with pelting Nazis/White SUpremacists with water bottles and telling them to fuck off. That’s getting off very lightly.
Admittedly way down the ladder of concern, I’ll note that the one closest to Marmalade Mao has a Harley-Davidson patch on, which they are supposed to be boycotting, because of, I dunno, reasons. Like Harley wanting to stay in business in the face of ruinous tariffs.
Thoughts and prayers should fill their stomachs.
Hell, most of the knuckledragging cousinfuckers filling their diapers about unpatriotic NFL players protesting proudly display Confederate flags. If hypocritical stupidity were toxic we’d be rid of every single one of these dipshits in a weekend.
It’s like they’re totally unaware that the US fought in the biggest war in history for the specific purpose of destroying the Nazi regime.
Oh please. Like the white supremacists attending this rally are going to go to Founding Farmers to spend $12.50 on a grilled cheese sandwich! If those scared white boys spend any money in DC, it will be with street vendors selling Trump swag and maybe snacks from one of the many CVS’s near the White House. They will…
Chik Fil A is closed on Sundays
Oh, the tuba thing was my favorite clip from last year, bar none. My son is in a Honk! band, and we’re going to be teaching him the Baby Elephant’s Walk this month!
Nothing puts a fatass racist off more than chafing those buttery thighs of theirs.
Black NFL players kneeling is unpatriotic, but Nazis get to parade around town in polos.
I’m surprised Chik Fil A hasn’t set up emergency ration stations for them.