
Here in central TX we see Teslas every day, everywhere. As you move further away from urban amenities, the hybrids take over (followed by diesel trucks, because rural TX).

Ready for the movie, starring Christine Taylor and Tim Meadows.

I found a decent use-case scenario for them in the States!

What about as vending platforms? It seems kinda perfect. 

I believe that. <40hp to the wheels, plus 400lbs of passengers ain’t going anywhere fast. 

Came here to say it, glad you beat me to it. For the cheap seats: FUCK BLACK RIFLE COFFEE. 

True, but it would likely break 45 mph. 

It costs as much as a used economy car, has no roof, no crash protection, no stereo, no climate control, and you look like a goofball while operating it.

It tops out at 14 mph, so you’ll be on it way longer, too, and can’t reasonably interact with roadway traffic.

One of his exes said that the personality we see when he’s being “chaperoned” by Cruz and Graham, is a little boy.

I’m honestly surprised that there’s not a single Subaru on the list. I didn’t see that it was based in a particular region of the country... but I see high-mileage examples all over the place (at least on the SOHC non-turbo models, because they haven’t been gone through by racer bois modding them to hell).

Those “coffee table car books” tend to show up on clearance tables in second hand bookstores.

You coworkers are complete tools. 

That the “former guy” is helping a troubled young man that “happens to be black” and currently still has some money should ring alarms bells for anyone who still gives a damn about Ye.

They know he’s an unintelligent buffoon, and that it infuriates people with any sense. That’s part of the game.

They’ve already said that his character is of little concern to him - only winning is. 

Man...that dude is going to get the mother of all road side ass kickings, especially in nyc if he’s going around vandalizing peoples stuff. This could literally draw a crowd to whoop him if he did it uptown, and he would 100% deserve it.

The GAF network? How ironic, as they seemingly don’t. 

Too late now.

Dude is getting raked by his own party and knows it.

95% chance it’s a medical related incident. There would be little reason to slam into a pole and hold down the accelerator pedal if they were going after the recruits.

Let’s not forget:
Kevin Spacey and Bill Cosby
Mel Gibson

... and I am sure lots of others. Generations of childhoods ruined.

And the McClosky’s? They got a $750 and $2000 fine.