
Take your meds, Kanye. 

Do you feel the same way about diplomats and ambassadors, or just LBGTQ+ women of color? 

Garage mats - the ones you can get in a pack of 4 for $9 at Harbor Freight. Throw it down on the driveway/garage floor when you’re taking the wheels off, kneel on it to do brakes, fling it under the car when you’re on ramps and can’t fit the creeper. It will save your knees, back, and tailbone. 

I discovered that every time I banged up my knuckles or cut my fingertips, my gloves were always about 3 feet away. 

I miss her. She was governor when I was in high school, and things seemed less dramatic (in politics, not HS).

USA: “Okay we’re ready to negotiate a trade...”
Russia: “Sorry, we don’t know what you’re talking about.”
USA: “Brittney Griner...”
Russia: “We are currently unable to locate her. Possibly... she escaped?”

*years pass*

Russia: “OH, here she is! She died in her cell 2 years ago.” 

Hell, my ‘11 Forester XT is lowered a couple of inches, and it’ll take curbs, gravel, inclines, mud, and grass with gusto. I wouldn’t take it to a challenge trail or anything, but I am constantly surprised with the Subaru AWD system and its ability to interact with the environment. 

Texas did as Texas usually does... several (bright) blue dots in a sea of red. If Democratic strongholds like Houston, Austin, and San Antonio could really get their shit together and organize for elections, we might see a blue Texas again (I am old enough to remember Texas in the 90's - it was pale blue and moderate,

Hadn’t noticed that; I just knew I had seen her do another character speaking about abortion issues. 

Now playing

SNL has long sprinkled progressive politics into its sketches, but I can’t remember ever seeing the show do such a direct appeal to voters to protect abortion rights.

I’ve only voted Democrat in my life, now I’ve just stopped voting altogether cus you weirdos have ruined that party.

Don’t get too Wilde with your pun Styles. 

I don’t know if the show would be better served if every time Geralt banged a bar maid she gave him a trading card of her tittles, for example.


Fungal infections grow, too.

Inasmuch as pretty much every patterned wrap like that looks like a base for signage. I get it, you like the tacky wrap.

Once More Round the Sun is a good “introductory” Mastodon album, too. That riff at 2:48 of “Tread Lightly” is both sweet and heavy!

BTW, I love The Hunter (probably my favorite of their albums). We went to see them on the recent tour w/ Ghost, and “Black Tongue” brought the fucking house down!

I don’t know - the wrap screams “paid advertisement” to me. And also the car is boring.

VW corporate: “Let’s put a *cool* wrap on it!”

He was on his SEVENTH wife when he finally kicked off, too. How often was he replacing them?