Amazon has some for 60/$24. So you get 10 more masks than the deal, for the same price. And they’re black.
Amazon has some for 60/$24. So you get 10 more masks than the deal, for the same price. And they’re black.
Amazon has some for 60/$24. So you get 10 more masks than the deal, for the same price. And they’re black.
Amazon has some for 60/$24. So you get 10 more masks than the deal, for the same price. And they’re black.
$15, but shipping is $8.99. For a box of paper masks.
$15, but shipping is $8.99. For a box of paper masks.
Yeah, nobody should ever wear any combination of colors ever.
Jesus, what a fucking joke. The Greek societies act like gangs over colors and “respect.” What a load of bullshit.
Why not just you know, go to college to learn shit?
Anyone whining about a character on a goddamn TV show wearing their “Colors” is just…
“You can’t pick and choose who you’re going to make fun of.”
“26-year-old Lauren Lide” tells you a lot. She quit the same day her dad lost his job, tells you even more.
It’s the kind of revenge fantasy that immature people come up with, without thinking about how it could potentially ruin other peoples’ lives (or kill them).
As for the mandate itself, a small percentage of people have gotten it so far out of risk of losing their jobs, but others have elected not to and have quit their jobs because of it, so now we are going to have a whole host of other issues because of it.
Don’t forget that you can also carry firearms, concealed, without a license. Anything to keep the death count up, I guess.
NO. Fuck them. They should not be in the hospital at all, taking up beds that are needed by people who actually care about their health. They can go to the church instead, and pray it away. Fuck them all.
It makes all of Garrison’s cartoons now look like pure drivel designed to tout conspiracy. Was he ever NOT a lunatic?
When RZA says “This sucka’s dead.”
Just park in front of university frat houses.
Only way to be sure.
UPDATE: Yes, she’s pregnant. Yes, it’s his.
The obligatory Preacher panel. I’m pretty sure the son looks like this under his beard.
Here’s a picture of these Aryan Ubermen.
The Skagen Falster 3 does 99% of this. Although it’s listed for $295 on their site, I found one brand new for <$200 (and they’re still available out there).
Battery life is good, especially with the right settings.
I don’t expect smartwatch processors to be super-powerful, but the one in the Falster 3 hasn’t been…
13 years, I think.
In the end, Edwards said, “I love my woman, but I also love myself. That was the conflict, my desires. I would give in to my desires, and I desired other things at times.”
But it’s Burke’s particular brand of conspiratorial anti-science rhetoric that makes his recent illness
rather ironiccompletely predictable.
19 months? Let’s start with the baseline reality, and go from there.