
That is HIGHLY dependent on the kind of cheese. I’m fond of Colby cheddar and brie, but try and give me bleu cheese and I’m out of there. I’m allergic to mold.

And nobody is allowed to move house by state mandate. Right?

All sarcasm aside, gerrymandering doesn’t happen on its own. It’s brought about and maintained by elected officials.

These are wholly shitty places for anyone who is not a WASP male to live. While the Stockholm syndrome of anyone not in that category is understandable, my patience runs thin for this quixotic dream of the DNC to make Texas blue.

Why do you think it would be okay to literally abandon millions of people because their leadership is shitty?

Hell, we step in for other countries when that happens.

Maybe what is needed is a replacement for the state leaders - you know, like we do in other countries. 

When was the last time your Fox-loving cousins were correct, though?

Awesome. Now do your shitty state. Certainly there’s no fuckery in the government there.

Y’all are adopting a “baby/bathwater” solution fairly quickly. Maybe you should pause and realize that there are actual people in the geographical regions that you despise so much. 

Maybe that’s what they’re waiting for. 

They’re doing the job we elected them to do - fight for our voting rights.
The people who “Want” the job? Yeah, they’re busy making sure that they get to keep the job forever. 

But would you be arrested?

You don’t understand how gerrymandering works, I take it? In TX, one of the worst offenders, the districts are drawn to avoid neighborhoods of people of color. When the deck is totally stacked against you, AND people in other parts of the country think you are responsible for it... how do you make sure you’re represent

In Texas, you get what has been gerrymandered to hell and back for you to get. The districting in TX is hideous. 

Now, do whatever shitty state you live in. It’s not the citizens of the state that are largely the problem, it’s the government.

It really sucks to think we should be grateful he was charged and convicted at all.

Lets get rid of guns, lets get rid of knives, lets get rid of cars and trucks and planes, and bricks and baseball bats. where would you like to stop?

If you take away guns, it might slow them down a bit, but as knives / trucks / rocks / planes / sticks with nails in still exist, criminals will still be criminals.

When was the last time someone was killed by another person wielding... heart disease? It’s not that more deaths are caused - using your data, look at the deaths that could be prevented by removing one thing that is (checks notes) specifically designed to efficiently kill people.

...run over them with an overpriced, overhyped Tesla.

I read the comics, and the Y-chromosome definition of “male” is intentional. Biological classification of sex, not gender. 

I left him some flowers, along with a note that I am sure will get removed for abuse.