And we might elect a president that condones and even uses bullying to get his way.
And we might elect a president that condones and even uses bullying to get his way.
The bullying element has grown SO much now that kids have technology at their fingertips 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Used to you could go home and be safe from hate, but not anymore. Bullying (combined with mental health issues) is what landed my daughter in a psychiatric hospital last month with suicidal thoughts.…
I kind of read the exact opposite from this statement. It feels like Alexis’s brother was being very careful in his use of language and was very respectful of Alexis’s preferences/wishes.
If you are paying close attention to you will see that at time of death Alexis was going by male pronoun. Please make a note of it.
THANK YOU. Everyone I know is all “Game of Thrones! Yeah LeBron!” but I have NO ONE to process my feelings about episode 12 and 13 with. I have NEVER sobbed that hard while watching a TV show in my entire life.
I wish I’d taken a screen shot of this Facebook post I had on my feed this week. A woman posted a pic of her baby born at 36 weeks with a comment along the lines of “And Hillary Clinton wants to make it legal for women who are 36 weeks pregnant to abort their baby. She’s a monster!” I posted to that complete stranger…
agreed that this episode served mainly as set up for the rest of the season which was a bummer because the past few episodes have been so strong
I have never read so many comments from so many people that really don’t understand what the writer was getting at.
That’s complicated. So, I have some good friends, a married couple who my husband met through work, who have recently revealed themselves to be Trump supporters. I’m devastated. I have spent a lot of time—too much time, I’m really perseverating on it—trying to reconcile these two things. On the one hand, I see my…
Best movie review ever. Madeleine I just want to read all your high movie reviews. IS THIS A SERIES? CAN IT BE? PLEASE? You could have Jezebel buy your weed. How awesome would that be?
Depression; paranoia; low self-esteem; insecurity; resentment; anger; fear; jealousy; envy; distrust; guilt; shame; isolation.
It gave me chills and tears in my eyes. I have been struggling lately even though everything in my life is totally awesome.
“You have value. You have worth. You are loved.”
The lies of depression can exist only in isolation. Brought out into the open, lies are revealed for what they are.
Got to play with my new toy today! Time to clean it!
Got to play with my new toy today!
new toy today!
Read the entire Slate piece, it is fantastically done. These women are total badasses and had absolutely zero patience for Keller. I will add that Breyer’s moment in the sun was pretty spectacular as well. (emphasis mine)
Yeah, I expect when enough men start to realize that every sperm donor or married man fathering a child out of wedlock will be named on the record, this will get shut down.
I am extremely obsessed with cat noses and your cat’s nose is so perfectly charming and 100 percent kissable. Boop it for me, would you?
“Your job doesn’t stop until you’re voted out, or until your term expires,” Obama said of the Senate,