talib's Rap Sheet

So, you're saying ... that ...

So it's 1 pm on Saturday and I just saw this and burst out laughing. Fantastic. This is the first joke on Deadspin I have ever shown my girlfriend.


Whinny Harvey Oswald

John Mane Gacy

Falling to a lower tier


"I reject that hypothesis!" Angered, Jim spun around, eyed the doorway, and stomped hastily toward the exit. Then, giving a sly glance back at the befuddled radio host, Jim continued his march - straight through the closed door. "I guess he's right," thought the host, as he watched Harbaugh fly by the window on a

But Viggo, had you been watching the NFL, there would not have been any trouble at all. Nearby passengers and security would have assumed you were ecstatic that the connecting plane had just landed.

expressing surprise that he's donned an Ilya Kovalchuk sweater and not a "Feetr Sykora"

The film studio entered an agreement to hand over the URL to the NBA franchise when season ticket holders for the NBA team outnumbered Facebook likes for the Film/Art-House. Business projections have the Web site switching owners in 23 years.

As much as the votes would help him out, James doesn't really begrudge the "Undecideds" or the "Others." After all, he spent 7 days driving around with Hooker #5 in his trunk, trying to figure out what to do. Then, he finally chose to use a wood chipper for the first time, after securing the previous four to cinder


When your opponent is averaging less than one point per minute, that's funny. But when you finally get the "Kick Me" sign to stick to Terrel's back without him noticing, that's hilarious.

5-1 is a great showing against anyone. Against Brazil, I don't think we are going to get "torched" (tardvaris). I think as good as an offensive shift we put in tonight, we can put in a great defensive shift as well. Personally, I am looking forward to seeing Dempsey and Donovan on the same field for the first time

Dude. That anthem was awful.

Try To Find The Sun, Son

This is splendid. Thanks Tommy.

