
I doubt she knows her English prepositions, much less French ones.

I wonder if the “it must teach life” is an allusion to all those unborns they’re so concerned about.

Nice welcome to the family. Don’t mind Kotaku humping your leg; it does that to everyone.

Oh, you mean that band that Paul McCartney was in before Wings?

Let this be a lesson for all you men out there. When someone questions the very essence of masculinity, immediately cram your panties up your asshole and fire off a poorly written email about why your panties all bunchy and uncomfortable.

The most recent picture of Sen. Steve Nass.

Somebody needs to get this delicate flower into a safe space.

He apparently thinks she is aged 5...

oh my, that dr brahms...she was a knee buckler, she was.

Boards are fed a line of bullshit. Every leader above the front line leader is fed a line of bullshit that is designed to make the messenger look like he/she is doing something. By the time the board knows the truth, the company is about to go bankrupt.

If I had learned anything from watching Undercover Boss is that the actual boss really doesn’t know how do any of the jobs that is making the company money to pay for their salary.

Yes, very Dr. Leah Brahms with that hair style

OK I can’t speak to her case but I can speculate a little.

We don’t though! Sex is what is listed in your birth certificate. Her condition is “intersex” not “intergender.”

BNL didn’t suck so hard until they tried to appeal to mass US audiences.

Now THIS is a hockey story about violence that we can ALL get behind!

I’m having a hard time understanding if people in general are getting dumber or if Christianity attracts idiots. Either way the Bible has been decorated for centuries but to know that you have to have an IQ higher than an apple.

i assumed she wrote dumb shit because why else would she be getting hate. i looked at those pictures and she just pull-quoted bible verses that meant a lot to her. what is wrong with that? she put a fuck ton of work into it too.

Imagine the poor boyfriend. “I said I wanted strippers, not scriptures.”