Yes, I agree with you. But why did they make up the caffeine charge instead of just giving him a ticket for reckless driving?
Yes, I agree with you. But why did they make up the caffeine charge instead of just giving him a ticket for reckless driving?
Exactly! It looks like abuse of power to me. He cut her off; she revenges. It should be clear from the moment when they arrested him despite blowing 0% BAC.
Reckless driving does NOT equal DUI.
Exactly. I don’t care if he was under the influence of having a bad day. He should still be on the hook for driving like an idiot, whatever was in his system.
He was driving erratically, instead of giving him a ticket for that they make this up?
Nope. I also included multiple sets of meta-ratings from viewers like you (though, those admittedly have their own issues as well). A combination of what movie-goers and critics say is about as good as it gets when it comes to something as subjective as film.
Reminder: this organization exists ONLY because “the public” who is doing this “ranting” thinks what they do is worth paying to watch.
I hope they do “Springtime for Hitler.”
They are designed to be mini tanks, not roombas. :P
Björk is a god damned global treasure. The Sugar Cubes were an amazing band and her solo career is, imo, even better. Her song Big Time Sensuality ranks in my Top 10 songs played on rotation of all time.
That’s how I felt about the shitastic movie Employee of the Month. People were like “How can this garbage amuse you?” and I was like “You don’t understand, you’ve never worked in a warehouse club!”
It re-HEAL-ly wasn’t. Laverne was the only saving grace and they killed her.
Actual, real life censorship.
This bromance has always made me happy, but even more so in these dark times. Eagle!
Depending on where you live, clovers can be a good choice. If you’re restricted in terms of hight there are some purpose bred micro-clovers that take a lot less watering and provide fodder for bees. Not really native, but a definite improvement on lawn grass. One of my neighbours has had good luck with this stuff: http…
I am not very big on indy, but I loved all the songs on it. And Sam’s right, New Slang did change my life!
Right?? Who are these naysayers that don’t like it, and when did it suddenly become ‘cool’ or whatever to dislike Garden State? I thought it was a nice movie. This is like when people started telling me that Pearl Jam isn’t cool, and in fact is lame. These are very hard realities to take!
I liked the soundtrack a whole bunch
confession time: i STILL love garden state.