
The same thing that happens to them when someone else opts out of paying proper attention while driving, but probably less frequently because the car itself will try and prevent an accident?

Chances are, if it had been a bus, the Autopilot system would have seen it and initiated an emergency braking action. They probably still would have collided, but at least then the front crumple zone of the car would have impacted the side of the bus.

Imagine if he was driving a 25 year old beater and on his cell phone

And yet all data shows that these systems still reduce collisions and reduce the risk of serious injury when there is a collision.

tbh, I don’t foresee much of a problem for Tesla even in your hypothetical.

BTW: I apologize for “splooging this” on jalopnik. I’m kind of sickly and weak these days, but I just happened to have the energy to type stuff today. Otherwise I would have done it on io9 or Gawker (I hang there, so I’m not grey on those sites). No matter, this stuff needs to be said daily.

Exactly, amigo. (Wish I could un-grey you, but I don’t count over here)

Hmmm, here’s my take:

Jason, please allow me to say here what I’ve been meaning to say on so many other articles:

If they use a computer-aided dispatch system (which I’m sure they do) they’ll have an electronic record and event ID for said incident. Having the officer’s report would be irrelevant, as all pertinent information for the call would be in the CAD event, i.e., call nature, time, date, location, persons involved, event

Holy shit. What evil motherfuckers. That poor kid :(

Is it too much to ask that we don’t have foreigners doing the raping Americans should be doing?

Maybe if his name was ‘al-Hasteri’

Uh, and is there the same amount of outrage over an “actual” rape of a mentally disabled boy by members of a high school football team?

Why don’t they just circulate the real story of Dennis Hastert raping boys right here at home?

That Leeroy Jenkins one... absolutely priceless.

Teddy is one of the few presidents where you can just use real images: