
Um, OK? When people vape too close to common walkways and entrances, people have to walk through it, is what I’m saying. I know it disspates, but that does little good when the source is a fucking tool walking along on the path while blowing out huge clouds of white crap.

I nevr said anything about carriers. I did say there are a lot of aromatic agents in there, and there are. Smell is equally important with taste on an inhaled product. And I have sensitivities to some very common ones that get used. The end result is basically like perfume run amok — whereas perfume generally stays

No dessert-type things for me, at all ever — I can’t even handle the “tobacco” flavors that have that sweet-nutty thing happening, or most coffee flavors. I’ve ordered from V2 (Congress is A+), VaporFi (Classic Tobacco is pretty good, Cigar is gross cherry cough syrup, White Tea was fab and so is of course

Um, yeah, I’d be down for that.

Yeah, I have no interest in doing it myself, but I’m so icked by the people who are judgey about it. Jesus. Con: it looks kind of dorky (apparently). Pro: it’s not emphysema/cancer sticks. These two things are worlds apart and do not actually cancel each other out.

If you want to, get one. For all that’s goofy about vaping, they are still much better for you than actual cigarettes.

Honestly, it’s helped me a lot. At first I felt awkward but after a while not going through a pack a day I didn’t care about feeling awkward anymore.

usedtobehere vapes too :) I got mine in the spring and the only time I’ve had a cigarette since was when I was camping and my cartridge broke. Otherwise it’s been great. I’ve been stepping down the amount of nicotine, and I feel so much better. I also love that I don’t reek of cigarette smoke. It was the right choice


It seems to be at the very least, better for you healthwise than cigarettes. Although let’s be honest, huffing gasoline is better for you healthwise than cigarettes. Eating 20 big macs a day is better for you healthwise than cigarettes. Vaping still has extensive health risks and is not something that any sane adult

Do it. Seriously, who cares what people think?

My younger brothers vape just because, and I think it’s kinda dumb but eh, rather they do that than smoke. I wish my older brothers would put the cigarettes down and vape instead.

Do you mind if I ask what kind you use? I’ve yet to find a good long-term solution. I always end up spending $25-$40 get set up with some system that makes me unhappy and then going back to cigs.

This is exactly my story. *high five* it’s been a Godsend,

It’s so worth it! My last cigarette was at noon on New Year’s Eve, and I’ve gone down to basically two cigarettes worth of nicotine from a pack a day. Nothing else worked for me (and the cheap cigalikes, like the Blu, didn't do anything either - I had to get a real setup). I don’t know why people are so pissy about

Earl Grey!!!! That flavour hadn't even occured to me! There's a lady at my work who vapes and her stuff is cotton candy- the open office where she works smells lovely.

That’s so funny because I really don’t like the culture of it either and you just described it spot on. I try to vape in private but at a festival recently I pulled it out for about 30 seconds and someone ran up to me to talk about vaping and specs and coils and liquids. I’m deaf so I got out of the convo but still

I promised myself I was going to buy one today. I’m (really desperately) trying to quit.

I don’t understand why anyone is taking it up as a habit/hobby from scratch, but for smokers, vaping gives a very close approximation to the feel of a cigarette while delivering nicotine. So far all the studies but one have shown that vaping has no dangerous or deadly chemicals, although long term health effects have

I quit cigarettes when I started vaping in March. I went from a 20 year, pack-a-day habit to vaping the equivalent of 3-4 cigarettes worth of nicotine a day. I haven’t had one cig since I bought my first vaping device. The juice I use has 4-5 ingredients, pharmaceutical grade nicotine being one. I don’t stink of