
So, if the government came up to your house, which you have had for 60 years, blew up your garage, exposed you to radiation when claiming it was safe and used gang-land tactics to try and take over your land with hostile intent (from bullying and ‘security checkpoints) and THEN tried to pay you, you’d be like “Sure,

As an Android user, I am bitter bitter bitter. You can all sink right into the ocean.

Next time someone asks to borrow your car, think hard before saying Yes. I hate to be all lawyer on you here but people lending their car to someone have been successfully sued for damages or gone to prison for life. Rare? Yes. But scary nonetheless. [Jalopnik]

Late last year, for the first time in my 30-plus years of living indoors, I got my own place. No parents, no

Ask any former smoker, and they’ll tell you—quitting is far from easy. In fact, many of them say it was the hardest