How about child support debt, how long does that stay on your record?
How about child support debt, how long does that stay on your record?
If gender equality is the topic, then does that mean that men will be able to get equal custody of their children in courts? Or that men will be allowed to take as many sick days, or get an equal amount of paternity leave as women do? Or is the “equality” y’all are talking about just for women, and men need not apply?
Chantix worked wonders for me. Altho I didn’t actually quit smoking, it DID drop me from a pack a day down to 5 smokes a day - and I pretty much had to force myself to smoke those 5! The best part about it was that it almost totally took away my desire to smoke. Like, I didn’t even really feel like smoking! The…
Personally I don't believe the government should be involved in the business of marriage anyway. That's one way to take care of this "right to marry" issue, is by removing the government from the equation. No more special tax breaks, no more "marriage incentives", no more discrimination against homosexual couples,…
Well, if it's wrong for him to do it, then it's wrong for anyone else to do it to. But this isn't about anyone posting unauthorized naked pictures of him; this is about him trying to censor information that he feels is "unflattering" to him. There are no laws preventing people from saying things about other people…
Um... Meanwhile, men make up 98% of workplace deaths, because feminists don't care about the inequalities that men have to face...
Why do you (Jezebel & various authors of its articles, including Anna Merlan) feel the need to intentionally twist, mis-quote, and even make up "facts" that are obviously NOT, in order to get your point across? If you can't be honest and sincere in what you say, why should anyone trust what you say or take you…
Justin, you have a very good program and have obviously done a lot of work on PatchMyPC. I always appreciate any program that helps me with the work I do on computers, and I've been a fan of PatchMyPC for over a year now. Thank you!
So let's see...
Women have over a dozen different options for birth control. Men have only 3 (abstinence, condoms, or vasectomy).
These kind of "hazing-related-assaults" happen far more often than most people realize, and have actually been happening for many years. It's one of those things that people usually don't talk about publicly, because who wants everyone knowing were sexually assaulted and had something shoved up their ass?
In Lifehacker's defense tho, I've never really come across a search program that I've been truly satisfied with. Google's is currently one of the best available, but even it has it's issues.
... Have you seen what happens to the men in those same video games..?
Why do you keep decrying violence against women, yet at the same time ignore (or worse, in other articles on Gawker Media, promote) violence against men?
Why is it that some people believe violence against women is such a terrible evil, yet they believe violence against men is fine?
I was about to ask if possessing and/or sharing this video would be considered child porn, until I saw the last few sentences in the article. Really I'm surprised that the author didn't make that a more prominent theme of the article. I don't know what exactly constitutes child porn tho, and how it is that this would…
OK this article is an example of the type of misandry promoted and encouraged by this site.
Any special disk format suggestions? I've got a Toshiba Ext HD, USB 3.0. that I was using as external storage. Cleared everything off of it and tried this, but I keep getting an error saying I need to repair or reinstall windows. So I figure in starting over again, I might as well do a reformat of the external HD. Am…
I've never had to deal with it personally, but I do know exactly what this dude is talking about. I have at least a few women around me who have shown me some of the crap that various guys send them.
So... what the vast majority of the commenters are saying, is that men shouldn't have any voice in equality and gender issues, unless they agree exactly with whatever "feminism" is teaching at the moment. And any man who dares to disagree or question the "feminist" current ideology must be shamed and ridiculed for…
Washing Machine: What to do when it stops halfway thru a cycle, full of water & won't drain? I've tried bumping the dial up a notch or more, even switched to a different setting (ie delicates instead of permanent press) - the wash parts of the cycle will rotate and work fine, but as soon as it gets to a drain or a…