How about child support debt, how long does that stay on your record?
How about child support debt, how long does that stay on your record?
Couldn’t it be possible that one of those planets that was “flung out of our solar system” was actually (Thea) flung into Earth, BOOOM and we’ve got a moon?
If gender equality is the topic, then does that mean that men will be able to get equal custody of their children in courts? Or that men will be allowed to take as many sick days, or get an equal amount of paternity leave as women do? Or is the “equality” y’all are talking about just for women, and men need not apply?
A friend of mine bought a SurfaceRT brand new a few years ago. She was in the middle of running some updates but when it restarted in the middle of those updates, it would only boot back up to a black screen that has the word Surface, and it nothing else. It doesn’t move past that screen (no matter how long you wait).…
Chantix worked wonders for me. Altho I didn’t actually quit smoking, it DID drop me from a pack a day down to 5 smokes a day - and I pretty much had to force myself to smoke those 5! The best part about it was that it almost totally took away my desire to smoke. Like, I didn’t even really feel like smoking! The…
Blood & Fire has (IMHO) one of the best battle scenes between Kirk's Enterprise and the Klingons, at least in the OST format.
Google+. The ONLY reason I use Facebook more is because most of my friends are on it. Otherwise I prefer pretty much everything about Google+ over Fb, especially because Fb has made me angry many times over banning me from sending friend requests to people I know, deleted a few of my replies I made to people who were…
I've only blocked 4 people on Facebook, and with each one of them it was only after they had blocked me, then later unblocked me so they could spy on my profile. Fortunately there is a 24-hour waiting period before you can RE-block someone, and I just happened to notice they had unblocked me, so I blocked them before…
Aw snap! I always thought it was spelled "Kroiki!" lol
Star Trek: Enterprise was on track to become possibly the best of the Star Trek series. This link is to a clip from two of their final episodes, In a Mirror, Darkly. It truly angers me that some a$$ of a network exec allowed the series to be cancelled at the end of the 4th season, when the show was going from good to…
Personally I don't believe the government should be involved in the business of marriage anyway. That's one way to take care of this "right to marry" issue, is by removing the government from the equation. No more special tax breaks, no more "marriage incentives", no more discrimination against homosexual couples,…
Why are obviously spam comments like this able to be published without being in the "hidden comments" section, while I can't seem to get any of my comments posted openly, even tho they are obviously related and pertinent to the subjects at hand?
Well, if it's wrong for him to do it, then it's wrong for anyone else to do it to. But this isn't about anyone posting unauthorized naked pictures of him; this is about him trying to censor information that he feels is "unflattering" to him. There are no laws preventing people from saying things about other people…
But what to do when you install an update, restart your computer as directed, and when it goes to start back up, you get:
Um... Meanwhile, men make up 98% of workplace deaths, because feminists don't care about the inequalities that men have to face...
Don't Vulcans also have 2 hearts? I believe that was how Spock was able to keep his endurance long enough to defeat Kirk in Amok Time, because it allowed his copper-based blood to carry oxygen more efficiently vs Kirk's Iron-based blood.
Um... HELLO - Gar and Catfish will try to kill you if they are big enough. And Beavers? Did you not see the video just a couple of years ago about the man in Ukraine who was trying to record a beaver with his phone, and was killed when the Beaver lunged and bit him in the thigh, severing his femoral artery..?
Why do you (Jezebel & various authors of its articles, including Anna Merlan) feel the need to intentionally twist, mis-quote, and even make up "facts" that are obviously NOT, in order to get your point across? If you can't be honest and sincere in what you say, why should anyone trust what you say or take you…
Very good commentary in the opening paragraph! I wish I knew anyone who wanted to get rid of theirs, because u know this thing is going to be a collector's item!
That's awesome - the ultimate paradox! Which came first: Life, or "The One"*
* = A time traveler who accidentally brought life to the early universe)
Wouldn't that also be the most ironic realization: Scientists and Creationists both turn out to be "correct"? LOL