
Very excellent article, Annalee! I've made a few attempts at writing histories of various central asian lands on my website (especially the Greco-Bactrians, Tocharians, Kidarites, & Hephthalites, all of whom ruled Samarkand at one time or another). I also suffer from writer's block issues, so my articles are mostly

This is the transcript of a death threat someone left on my phone several years ago:

Where did you find this map? I'm ALWAYS looking for maps that help explain Native American cultures, dispersion, locations, etc to use with my www.WorldHistoryMaps.info site. Unfortunately the existing information is usually difficult to find, or contradictory to other existing information, or even non-existant. I

I've started seeing some very promising historic boundry maps on Google Earth lately (especially the "Mongols" map overlay). I am considering re-creating many of my own history maps onto Google Earth, IF I can ever get the time to do so..! If anyone else knows of any good historical overlays for Google Earth, please

"Hey pretty lady... Nice... Gonads..."

Thank you! I worked very hard on making my maps, and I thought it would definitely be a shame if I didn't at least share them with the rest of the world. I had(have) plenty more that I will eventually do. But imagine my surprise when, late December 2012, I came across the www.geacron.com website. THAT is almost

I've never had to deal with it personally, but I do know exactly what this dude is talking about. I have at least a few women around me who have shown me some of the crap that various guys send them.

So... what the vast majority of the commenters are saying, is that men shouldn't have any voice in equality and gender issues, unless they agree exactly with whatever "feminism" is teaching at the moment. And any man who dares to disagree or question the "feminist" current ideology must be shamed and ridiculed for

Wasteland! (the old post-nuclear holocaust game from 1987). Sure there's already a few fan films (Nuka Break, for example). But it deserves a full-fledged movie of its own.

Systematically making sure to NOT arrest a mother who abandons their children in "safe houses", and making sure there are no official repercussions for that mother, is what makes it "not illegal" for her to do so. Any fathers who have tried to do the same thing are arrested for abandonment, lose custody of their kids,

Where do you get this (very flawed) opinion that it is "easier for a man to walk away from an oops baby"? Last I checked, women can abort unwanted unborn children with very few restrictions, AND can even ABANDON young infants at police stations, hospitals, and other "safe places" after the baby is born. Men have NO

I was just about to post a similar comment about the destruction of Cahokia to make room for East St. Louis. I mean, we already have destroyed or lost forever, an untold amount of information about pre-Columbian native American cultures. It seems almost criminal that we are allowing one of the best remaining

I've kept the same phone number thru 4 different companies; started with Verizon about 12 years ago. 3 years later I switched to T-Mobile because I had moved a few miles away and didn't get any coverage in my new location. Then moved to a different room in the same house about 2 years later & had to switch to Cingular

Someone was did? Uh... Typo anyone..?

Around 100 BC there was an army from China that went thru Bactria in Central Asia (which, ironically, had just been taken by Scythian nomads from the Greek descendents of Alexander the Great). This army eventually reached the Caspian Sea, possibly even the Black Sea, before turning around and going home. It's the

Washing Machine: What to do when it stops halfway thru a cycle, full of water & won't drain? I've tried bumping the dial up a notch or more, even switched to a different setting (ie delicates instead of permanent press) - the wash parts of the cycle will rotate and work fine, but as soon as it gets to a drain or a

Actually Alexander's Empire isn't even in the top 10 Empires for size. The Mongol Empire, the Roman Empire, British Empire, Persian Achaemenid, Chinese Han and T'ang Empires, and a few others were bigger in terms of actual land controlled. Tho none of them had such a dramatic rise AND fall (not to mention influence)

Spock's Brain. By far the worst episode of any of the series.