
So you know, he was a victim as well. if you seen the full video he was calmly trying to calm down his wife while she screamed, tossed things, ripped a monitor out of the wall and tossed it and hit him before he finally snapped and slapped her.

I don’t think Kirk will be *too* embarrassed if I share here what I emailed to the staff:

It’s been an honor to work with Kirk for the past seven years. Kirk’s love of games and his desire to communicate about them with readers shines through his work. I’ve valued that a lot, but I’ve valued just as much, if not more, his love of writing good sentences and paragraphs. Anyone can write about video games,

Yeah, I agree with you, Michael. Lots of different kinds of games exist for lots of different audiences, but I think it’s important not to talk out of both sides of your mouth. Also, the game takes place in the 16th century, which would have been a cool opportunity for devs to make an awesome 16th century ensemble for

I think the real issue here is that they didn’t own it, but rather tried to deflect pretty heavily. I think Yoshida really nailed it by saying that his character designs are entirely because he likes pretty girls; it’s straightforward, honest, and admits that the designs are not meant to appeal to everybody. Being

It’s too much like our job. I refuse to go anywhere near it.

Damn, I would have killed to have so many girls interested in mainstream gaming when I was in high school. All these boys are lacking vision: a shared interest is an unbeatable icebreaker. Dumbasses.

But that means sacrificing Gideon Emery and I just can’t do that =(

100% ok to be disappointed he’s taking a break. 0% ok to be a raging dick and demand he make videos for you nonstop. Its not the same level of a break that Nostalgia critic took (granted NC was planning on quitting permanently), but if it refreshes him half as much his show would be in a great place.

Now playing

yesterday i listened to this song three times in a row and almost started crying:

What do you mean “we,” kiddo? You don’t speak for me or any of the other grown-up men in this room.

Stop with the lame excuses. I have plenty of testosterone and I still treat people with respect. I can get frustrated with Overwatch without taking it out on other people. We need more women in gaming not less. You don’t speak for all traditional male gamers.

Jesus christ the greys in this article are worse off then I’ve seen in awhile.

Question - Do you consider audibly, but not obnoxiously loudly, singing “Why can’t we be friends” standing up for peace amongst teammates?

Having an ally to either tank, heal, or DPS those toxic comments is incredibly helpful.

Sure, they may keep mouthing off, but being willing to

Even as a dude I stay the hell away from group chat in OW, and multiplayer games in general. I just cannot handle asshole randos in my ear.

Vaan’s hero’s journey is from “I suck” to “I still suck”

The last studies show our dependency with technology is sinking our brain size for lack of info remembered, that helping logs and minimaps are making gamer more casual and stupid.

one addition: