There’s a beautiful meta moment about exactly halfway through the game where Balthier asks Vaan why he’s even there, and the rest of the party just looks at him and leaves. Vaan never has an answer for this.
There’s a beautiful meta moment about exactly halfway through the game where Balthier asks Vaan why he’s even there, and the rest of the party just looks at him and leaves. Vaan never has an answer for this.
As a longtime rider for FFXII, I am ELATED that this version is coming out and getting its proper due. To this day, I’ve never been as completionist about a game as this one.
Sorry, I’m gonna have to agree with Kotaku here, the soundtrack was fantastic. That’s the soundtrack I listened to most in FFXV while driving, by far.
There is valid arguments to be made that the world they created in FFXII is the best FF world building that’s been done.
Its out July 11th. And its a damn fine game.
It’s always amusing to me seeing gamers who have picked up a few popular buzzwords on Kotaku regarding the process and offer “It’s simple, just make it better” solutions while at the same time saying things like, “..scripting can’t handle it...” 😂😂😂
Godammit.... Fine! I’ll buy your stupid book!
My wife and I have a rule: We’re married, not dead. It’s okay to appreciate the Mona Lisa, but don’t take it off the wall and bring it home, don’t say reprehensible things to it because you find it attractive, and don’t break your neck staring.
...other than that, be a human being, and accept that you have…
Yep. At least with the International release, and therefore this one, you can pilot the Summon and determine their attacks.
XII is criminally underappreciated, a stance I’ve reiterated far too many times.
Balthier is best husbando. You know this to be true.
Except it’s NOT a single-player MMO. It just seems that way until you really start playing around with the Gambit system and coming up with creative combinations to destroy enemies.
Isn’t this kind of the way it goes for most games that ends up maligned just for being “different” at the time though? People complain about them at the time because they’re not what they’re used to, and then later on, come around about them. FFXII got better for me the more I played it. It took a little while to get…
Your god damn right it is Jason. FF XII is my favorite. I’m always thinking about it and I replay it at least twice a year and still find new things. Brilliant game and I am glad it is getting the remaster it deserves.
Logging in and seeing I had 28 notifications was an interesting moment.
This thread is a perfect example of the kinds of problems caused by Kinja’s new behavior, where it won’t show you that a featured comment even HAS replies, yet it still lets you reply to it. How many of these people with identical replies do you think saw the featured OP, saw that it had “no replies,” thought “Oh man,…
I blame the mismanagement, but I also blame the gamers.
Bah, I don’t gif a damn how it’s pronounced.
keep an eye out for “Praey for the Gods”