Not only will there be an audiobook, there’ll be an audiobook read by Prince Noctis:
Not only will there be an audiobook, there’ll be an audiobook read by Prince Noctis:
Ok. I see that you’re angry. Understandable. But don’t go calling them “lazy” or trying to say “that’s not how you balance a game.” Unless you have years of game development experience under your belt, you have ZERO room to make any of those kinds of claims for a variety of reasons:
Ok..., is your stance that stereotypes are good, and defying them is bad? Just trying to understand your logic here.
They were asked a question. So what should they have done, shruged and went ‘i dunno LOL’?
PVP games can’t have their players at multiple framerates.
Idk if you knew this, I’ll assume you didn’t here...
Activision-Blizzard (the official name of the merged company) is the Publisher for Bungie. Only makes sense to use their own in-house launcher.
Activision are the publishers, Activision are also associated with Blizzard.
I’m excited about PC. I’m just hoping they pull of console crossplay somehow. All my friends are on consoles.
Clearly you never played the Left 4 Dead games. Some of my best times playing that game was with complete strangers. Win or lose, it was fun as hell.
I mostly play the Arcade modes weekly with friends and it’s a blast.
It’s nice to know the more things change the more they stay the same. Balance rage in Blizzard forums is a tradition as old as Brood War at least.
Wait, so it’s not even a JRPG?
Some people are in on the joke and are just helping spread it. Others don’t want to appear foolish or uncool and are just lying and saying they vaguely remember it. Some honestly can’t remember what they have and haven’t played.
Wow, it’s like I’m not allowed to do other things or go to sleep! I’m super sorry I didn’t spend all night refreshing the comments just for you!
Very Gorillaz-esque.
Thank you so much for letting me be a part of this! It was a lot of fun, and I loved the article!
So you’re saying that blizzard should have set up a friends on demand service?