Takuro Spirit

The freeways aren’t empty. I was driving home the other night going 80 mph and was getting absolutely smoked by several cars. The close rate was so fast that they were swerving from lane to lane because people couldn’t react and move over fast enough. It’s dangerous.

What’s your definition of a “tad fast”? Just curious.

Jokes on you!

The three armed officer of the law

I spent 3 years saving and looking for the perfect CTS V Sport. Finally, I had a nice down payment and a beautiful certified example came up for sale in TN, 700 miles from me. I loaded up the family in my Kia Forte, drove to TN, traded in the Kia for 1.5k and bought my baby. Drove it home and had it 4 months when a

Two incidents of road rages acting like assholes until I pointed at my dashcam.

I was driving through was looked like a hollowed out shell of a website, then suddenly a listicle appeared out of nowhere and blindsided me. Luckily, my dashcam caught the whole thing, so I was able to restore balance to the force, the listicle was locked away never to be seen again, and everyone lived happily after.

You’re asking if the weapons grade douchecanoe who had already driven away from the scene of the accident he was responsible for might try to... leave the scene?

Can we just crush them in the car and reduce the court caseload?

Add this video in! Surveillance footage of the actual crash. Looks like he hit some uneven surface (aka, an NYC street) at a completely inappropriate speed, and then that was it. 

Lets be real, anyone with the kind of money seen in this video don’t give a shit what anyone has to say. 

I’m going to assume tracks aren’t open currently, so more or less people should just cut this shit out altogether at the moment. 

What a fucking jackass. Shitbags like this should lose their licence, have their cars crushed, be fined heavily, and do time, in whatever order you please.

Reminds me of the prostitute from Total Recall.

*Clears throat, tries to remember that scene from Crocodile Dundee*

Nah, just the beatdown. No hospital for a fucknugget like this guy, not right now. 

Okay let's just not have the doctors help this person ever for the rest of their life. You go crashing cars in the middle of a pandemic potentially causing injury and sending more people to the hospital and not only that but you crash into a bunch of cars in front of a temporary hospital. I think at that point you

I miss NYC.

A beat down with wooden batons and then a couple day stay in a NYC Hospital would be appropriate and warranted