Takuro Spirit

But how did you see John Cena?

Are you the one who leaves the big-ass scuff marks on all the drive-thru walls? 

Having a large car isn’t a free pass to run shit over. Don’t get something bigger than you can handle and keep control of your vehicle. It’s that simple.
Did he cause any real damage? Not really. But he still should have better control and be more careful. He was doing  PR stunt taking it out, and he fucked it up.

Well timed since the next gen Suburban debuts on Tuesday.

I’d like to point out this is not some honor bestowed upon the Suburban. You get a Walk of Fame star by applying to the Chamber of Commerce and buying one. This is just a $30k ad buy from Chevrolet.

*Record Scratch*
*Freeze Frame*
Yup that’s me.
You’re probably wondering how I got here...

that’s the international symbol for “The kick is good!”

I saw one on Craiglist list recently. $4300, he knows what he has

I’m not saying it was an old person, but I’m all for re-testing drivers every couple years to prove competence and physical ability to drive.

Earlier this summer, I was behind an SUV that was having difficulty maintaining it’s lane- it actually rubbed against a curb at ~45 mph, and then almost hit another car going the

Dealer walks up. “Have I talked to you about GAP insurance?”

Toyota easily leaps over Ford in latest rankings, only the Lincoln division slows them down.

He must have jumped that thing 50 yards!

I bet the impact knocked the dent out of the Camry's rear bumper.

So much for being grounded to the ground

I can’t understand why someone wouldn’t want a subscription to it.

Why would I get the motortrend app? I already have like 4 streaming services. Put it on hulu, netflix, or prime and maybe I’ll watch it. Youtube would be even better. Surely they could monetize top gear on youtube enough to support the show.

They should have a segment called “Ow! My Balls!”