Takuro Spirit

If they have a 15 year old platform they can stuff a V8 into it meets the Mopar criteria 

So the only two single people left in the bar at last call have decided to hook up. Truly a love story for the ages.

oh man is this going to be a cf. Should be some hilarious meetings b/n Italian “quality” and French “quality”. 

Local? That has to be one of the best Neons left in the rust belt. The paint isn’t peeling off in sheets and it isn’t compromised due to heavy rust. What the...

The weirdest thing about the Flex is that despite being way more interesting and practical than the sea of crossovers, all the non-car people I talk to about it hate it.


[Post on something completely unrelated]

And “died of smoke inhalation”.  I suspect the hitting a tree well in excess of the speed limit is why the feds aren’t investigating.

“A Davie police officer got to the scene, a little south of Interstate 595 almost immediately after the crash and found the car fully consumed by fire.”

Have you ever been on a car fire or house fire call? This may sound ridiculous, but fire is hot. Like really hot. It’s why we wear bunker gear, and even then that shit doesn’t always work.

There’s a small detail missing from this story.

Pretty much every first responder carries some form of glass breaking tool.  Watching a person die because you don’t want to get a burn is pretty sad.

I’m not clear on what happened wither. There are dozens of reasons why a door handle could be inoperable after a crash.

Came to say the same thing.

This is a very sad story. This lawsuit will be thrown out.

It could be worse, uh huh.

That makes the new Silverado look good

Can we address the bigger issue here? Can we stop with the recommended/recent videos auto playing on every single page?

Its funny how as intakes are getting smaller and more efficient grilles (well, fake grilles) are getting larger and larger.