Takuro Spirit

That’s the future.  Autonomous driving is coming, because few people really want to be involved in the driving process. 

did not read [the vehicle’s] manual, like almost every other person who owns any car anywhere ever.

Maybe on a health and safety shit list, but in my books, you’re living in an efficiency dream land

When I travel out of town I:

People just park in the fire lane right in front of the door here

I blame poor gas station designs. Ever go to one with a broken pay-at-pump system, so you have to go in to pay. It generally works like this:

The standard Wrangler was only rated to tow 2,000 pounds, but the Unlimited—presumably due to the added stability resulting from its longer wheelbase and higher weight—could yank over twice that at 3,500. That’s a significant increase for just a basic stretch job.

Hey, be more respectful to the “Riker Maneuver”

Now playing

How can someone forget how to sit down on chairs strangely...

We don’t talk about Enterprise.

“I hadn’t played Riker in 18 years”

I guess the finale to Enterprise doesn’t count.

“Who the fuck puts muscle car graphics on a Japanese car?”

As much as I lust for an R34, I would love me an R33 GTR. Something about those just get my tingly bits going.

Alcohol preserves everything. 

That 626 has less rust after being submerged for 15 years than most 626's had after 2-3 of just driving around. What are y'all putting in your water down there?

Looks like most Mazda’s driving around the midwest.

I like the Mardi Gras beads hanging out of the trunk.

Ran when parked.

I remember my college days in Beloit, WI. No dining hall om Sunday, so it was off to:

Yeah but your mom does.