Takuro Spirit

Looks like someone was trying to create a reliable Donk. 

Unlikely, as the OP stated, most Euros put it on the right and they are generally designed for LHD. It’s been argued that the Euros do that so that you fill it away from traffic if you are on the shoulder and filling the tank due to running out, but planning for that eventuality seems iffy. 

Ok, how about this one Torch.

Cash Grab

I seriously had no clue it was going to look anything like that.  Nothing at all. This is a complete surprise.  complete.... surprise......

Omg.  Jane's ATF was quite easily one of my favorite all time games.  Jane's.   Damnit.  Why aren't they still around.   I'd love to see a Jane's flight simulator make use of my new RTX2080.   I just got kinda sad thinking about that - damn you.

You could drive a Toyota Camry in real life tomorrow, so who would want to use VR to drive an F-1 car down the Indianapolis Speedway, right?

You cowards named the AI Jester and didn’t pony up to have him voiced by Michael Ironside?

Yay, a flight sim got mention in mainstream media again. Flight sims are such a dying breed and it kills me that Eagle Dynamics is one of the few developers actively making fighter jet sims.

What? Not even a “Sorry?” I am skeptical of the Canadian-ness of that bank.

Honestly I dont get all the hate for Musk. Yeah he says and does some pretty questionable things, but you cant argue with the fact that he really does try to change the world for the better. 

I’m in parts, our sales managers called me first thing in the morning asking if I knew any more about the recall than what’s listed in the document, as he has sold units that would be affected. I do not, nor does our regional rep.

thoughts and prayers....

That is an official document, dealers recieved it this morning.

Those are JL Welds.

Braiiiiiins Waaaaarranty

I don’t see a steel weld. Maybe they used JB Weld instead.