Takuro Spirit

The King of “using old popular vehicle names to create a shittier modern version.”

I’ve figured it out: Toyota is going to only offer dazzle camo as the paintjob for the Supra. They’ve been hiding it in plain sight. No solid colors, ever. 

Gotta keep the bear that’s going to get stuck in one hydrated.

I kinda want to see them test one of those, too, for science. 

I take it this wasn’t one of the recalled ones that was missing b-pillar welds.

I’m no purist, drop an LS and have fuel injected reliability and a cool, obscure ride. 

I know what I would do with it...

Good. We have as similar hoarder in my community, and his very visible collection of junk is an eyesore. If this guy had at least 50% of his collection stored inside and out of sight, with the rest in a well maintained and kept area, id be a bit more sympathetic. This is just a junkyard. 

He still wants too much for most of the hoard. FWIW, he’s asking $5k for that Chevy.

I have no problems with the software (except Cadillac, they can go die).

Why don’t you give that lunatic your car. For free. He’s going to need it. If you don’t, you’re literally ruining his life, don’t you know.

That’s tacky and shows a complete lack of good judgement. Stop putting Pep Boys chrome trim on your car, people.

No kidding. Why even insert that caveat into the post. The guy’s essentially driving around in stolen property. 

A picture of the suspect taken before the arrest.

I swear to god... I should be sympathetic to people having materials being repossessed, or sold at pawn, or whatever, because that sucks, but the people in these stories are always the perfect mix of entitled and stupid to just be perfectly hateable.

Here is the room containing all of the repo truck drivers that care about such things

The chances that it was in 4WD when he went to tow it are slim to none. You don’t just drive around on dry pavement with the 4x4 enganged on a truck like that, it was almost certainly in RWD at the time.

Well of COURSE it’s Florida

Come on, he suffered plenty. He had to drive a Sentra for some period of time.