Takuro Spirit

I personally killed a lot crap that should not have been on the road. Like, F- level crap. In a state with no safety inspections, and emissions tests in only a portion of it, people tend to drive around in some pretty janky unsafe deathtraps.

What a waste. The bikes could have been donated to kids and people who are without.

I imagine it looked a little something like this

That’s what happens when you Cummins too hard while Power Strokin’ and aren’t wearing your Duramax condom.

Of course its “ness”, otherwise we’d have been calling this emulator the “N E S tickle” back in the day

Since we don’t know what car they were in, can we figure out what car is in the stock photo they used for the story?

And where I replied that some of you have such great psychic powers, to be able to tell the future... OH, and how to assume I am the same person on the internet as I am at home... you must have missed that.

“Hey David, is the car ready?” he asked. “I’ve been sitting at home because I don’t have a way to get around.”

Aww, you’re so mad ‘cause you’re late to the party, yet still feel like you have to voice your opinion and insult strangers. AWWWWWWWW.

If you’re David Tracy: Everything except the rust

Eat a penis, its Monday. This shit was old when it was posted last Friday.

Don’t need to pray because it ain’t gonna happen.

You’d be wrong.

Slow day at work. 

Wanna measure dick/clit size next?

Yeah ok. Good luck with that. Unfortunately with old age I’m just gonna get worse.

Yeah that was it. 100%

Nah, I was just bored and decided to read through all my notifications.

Still sounds like stupidity to me.

Okay, lets discuss the unplanned children. Its simple, you ADAPT and LEARN and STRIVE to be a decent parent. You don’t need signs on Wal-Mart’s front door to remind you, or a dumb internet article.... You know better.