Takuro Spirit

Also the car’s temperature read 97 degrees when it was 81, which we’ve apparently seen in other Teslas

Geez, this is like the Dodge Demon of smart phones at this point.

I’m sorry you came to Lifehacker today for weed stories, and this got cross-posted to Jalopnik.

I’m not even gonna touch that one... too easy.

I didn’t want to waste any more time looking at this story then needed.

Two. And a puppy. And a food baby. Had a good lunch today.

I’m fun at parties, too.

I was in a hurry. Had to get back to Jalopnik for crap that wasn’t cross posted.

I have two girls, aged 10 and 12. I’ve kept them alive so far... haven’t forgotten either of them, their friends, cousins, nieces and nephews, and plenty of animals in the back of any of my cars.

It was literally this, except not lowered, and in blue.


I bet Sergio is rolling in his grave....

True, I did not get a good look at the plates.


No, I literally saw an S15 in the Milwaukee area a few times a few years ago.

As for the S15? Those were never sold here. Sorry. You’ll have to wait for that pesky 25-year import ban to lift before buying one.

I don’t usually believe in ‘snake oil’ flushes, but if ANY car was in need of one...

Like I mentioned on Twitter, might want to fuse the wire going to the switch, In case something rubs or grounds out, you don’t want an in-cabin fire.

You didn’t see the Craigslist ad they posted?

For my 1.7mil they can at least TRY to hang the license plate on straight.