Takuro Spirit

Lambos are so hot right now

Good thing they weren’t hot dogging around the track.

The junkyard parts should be plentiful. Lots of these in the yard with blown motors due to failed headgaskets. I had a couple and never had issues sourcing cheap parts.

It’s a 1996-1999 Subaru Outback, for those wondering.

I loved that album



I think you accidentally a word there, bub.

Jason, did YOU have a two stroke writing this?

I’ll give them $300.

a heat shield for the gas generator had been incorrectly installed—an oversight that the NHTSA report says the supplier, Key Safety Systems, thinks is “related to a particular worker.”

For a second there I thought I was on The Root.

I made this back in the day, seems I need to update it...

Its been huge for the few people I watch that have been in it. Ninja’s been in it. Its fun watching him get knocked down a few pegs by the ‘Funny Moments’ crowd.

When I touch my wood I prefer to feel the veins ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Well, I wouldn’t be drinking it STRAIGHT.