Takuro Spirit


Exactly. It felt more ‘real’ that accidents happen, people run off or die unexpectedly, cars blow up from hitting a pebble in the road... now since they promised so much more and had so much more time and money, I find it hard to want to play with any seriousness.

I loved the original for its bugs, so you’d THINK I’d embrace the new one. But after all the hype, the new engine, the fixed driving, etc, etc, etc, its making it hard.

MAHK is gonna have a FIELD DAY

It is the first modern-day four-cylinder engine in a full-size pickup

Pfft. $550k

Rabid fan? No. These are the words of someone of limited intelligence who was suckered into a high interest car loan on said model of car and is trying to find any redeeming quality in it to defend their purchasing decision.

So kinda like this?

Oh shit, I didn’t even see the baby seat. RIP Little Neckbeard Jr.

I’m still waiting for lawnmower sidecar racing...

He says he’s been daily-driving his new sports car for three weeks, and plans to continue to do so

I bet you’re right. I bet he also tips his fedora.

Now playing

Here’s a review of the product, by a Tesla owner in my area... who I will now be staying far far away from if I see him on the roads:

I know a guy who could use another ex-rally supercar project

Can we just stop with cans altogether? Nothing like dipping that dirty sharp tab into what you’re about to drink...

Man, this post makes me miss the olden days of being able to tag photos. It would be immensely helpful (and fun) in this scenario.

I wonder why it was stopped.

The dumbass ADMITTED to using Autopilot and looking at her phone at 60mph?

Jalopnik, as of late:

Emissions, pffft. In 80% of Wisconsin we don’t even have THAT.