Takuro Spirit

Okay Woody. Buzz had wings. Ergo, AIRPLANE.

Fixed. Surprisingly few good images on Google of that one.

Flying cars DO exist:

That’s how I feel anytime I realize David takes his junk out on the roads and endangers other motorists.

I got too close in my wife’s Durango (according to her Durango) and it BRAKED TO A STOP for me.

I’ve had people honk at me because I was “too close” to them when backing up.

Oh man, I should have snapped pics.

Don’t do 87 in a 70 if you’re from out of state... country.

Its like red arrows in YouTube thumbnails.... God help us if they ever start allowing gifs for video thumbnails....

How I felt reading this whole thing... and watching her videos

My Mazda3 was that way. Mirrors adjusted all the way out and still weren’t out far enough to not show what was already visible in the rear view.

Its like having your mirrors adjusted properly. Once set to avoid ‘blind spots’, there ARE no blind spots, and ‘shoulder checking’ is no longer needed.

Backup cameras and CD players.... its all I hear about.

Even though you have a backup camera, it still means you have to look back. It isn’t a solution to looking back, it’s a crutch.

rated at 250 HP and 310 lb-ft of torque on 93 octane gas. Interestingly, Mazda disclaims that the engine will only make 227 HP on 87 which is “regular” in most states. No word yet on what it will make on California’s 91 octane “premium.”

if someone is in front of you and is turning, then you have to turn your blinker on to let the person behind you know what the person in front of you is doing. 

Looks like the Demon driver NAILED the reaction, but had a shitty 60 foot. It was all downhill from there. Obviously launch/traction issues, or not using all the technology available to them. I heard its hard to get everything to work in harmony on a Demon to launch it, and who knows if this one was even at its full

I’m sure they’re getting tired of all this bad press.