Takuro Spirit

At least it looks better done ‘professionally’ than this one done ‘by a transport driver that forgot to lower the ramp’

More surprising, the statue says it’s also illegal to travel in the center lane on a three-lane highway.

Back in 2008 (a long time ago) Ben Folds Five (a band of three people) were getting back together after breaking up 7 years prior for a MySpace (think of Facebook, but older) reunion concert.

I’ll refrain from posting images of the MINT 70k Lincoln Mark VII LSC that I helped kill.

it was.... NOT good

1 of 2 reportedly killed during the entire Cash 4 Clunkers program.

Counterpoint: They look out of place and clash with modern interior accoutrements.

Given enough land, time, and money (not to mention an unhealthy obsession for one make or model of car) anyone can live this dream. I mean... umm...

Pshaw. I learned pumping quarters into this (after my mom gave me a ride to the mall)

Pretty much. “Subaru Heaven”, or Cindy’s Classic Auto Parts is 3/4 of the way to Madison from Milwaukee WI.

Don’t @ me.

White people just need to stop trying to rap.

Ah, there’s nothing like a good ‘ol fashioned ALL CAPS tweet to make me not care that you got stabbed.

Holy shit a first gen Prius! I haven’t seen one of those since..... Saturday. Actually.

Others have posted and I saw on Google Street View there was just the collapsible guardrail end... looks to have not done much at the speed he was travelling at.

It has the collapsible guard rail ends, but if it hit at an angle and caught the edge of the concrete... yeah that’ll rip a car in half.

Coffin - Nail:

Well hopefully the autonomy suite wasn’t designed by a BMW driver and it uses its fucking turn signal, negating any lane departure tech.

I figured something didn’t add up. The car should have seen an obstacle cross the road, dark or not. And it probably DID.