

I've got a review copy of Armored Core V right here, but I'm still waiting to hear back from Capcom about Raccoon City. I'll be playing that game come Tuesday regardless, can't wait.

Totilo totally got felt up by that one guy.

I definitely want to see more, but it's such a tease for Gamespot to post this as a "first look" and have so little actual in-game footage.

I bet if you tried you could get some janky movements... I happened to plague my game with them >.>

Fucking Albert bumming us all out because of dead Mordins.... Your shot at hilarity has just about killed us.

A whole bunch of SSX before GDC next week.

Soooo Vega? That was Freddy Prinze's character right? Him and... I'm guessing Garrus will be the male-male romance plots.

Cat Watches Star Wars, Seems Pleased.

That's what I thought.

What about Altair being Desmond's ancestor on his mother's side and Ezio being his ancestor on his father's side?

Wasn't Ezio NOT related to Altair?

So strange. I read this, thought it was stupid, and moved on with my day. If anything all this feedback will do is make sure this guy never gets featured on Kotaku ever again.

Of course actually playing the game and getting Gold on that race is a bit more difficult. Whatever, this is a pretty stupid "complaint" to "lodge" against a developer or publisher when the game centers around what happens when someone puts a flat piece of board on their feet and just starts sliding down the mountain.


Sure seems like you guys totally ripped off this article:

Here's the original source since Kotaku seemed the fact I tipped them off.

How do you know they're going to be good games?

lol, my PC is broken now.

"I... didn't like it at all.