This was all back when people cared about the Wii... just barely.
This was all back when people cared about the Wii... just barely.
That's just a Vita dev kit.
Swear to God, purposefully been restarting battles to keep everyone alive, but I now remember I lost Kellam pretty early in the game and just saved anyway. I did not notice he was gone by the 10th hour.
Yeah me too. It's crazy.
I guess I didn't hate it, but it certainly doesn't live up to the console experience. The frame rate is choppy and the outfit-swapping is a horrible mechanic. Two games I would suggest over AC3L for Vita: Gravity Rush and Need For Speed: Most Wanted. In fact, NFS: Most Wanted is 10x better than AC3L in showing how the…
Assassin's Creed 3: Liberation wasn't the best of anything, but it is pretty awesome for making friends go "Wow" when you hand them your vita. I think it's the best case for the portable-as-console marketing scheme they're going for, but damn if I didn't hate the game.
"That shit cray."
Stephen: I play these open games in I guess a really scatterbrained... do whatever I feel like way. And with ACIII I was wandering a ton, from the start. That Haytham intro that people say is all barely-interactive cutscenes? I was poking through Boston, running around the frontier...
Yeah, I had no problems with this mission whatsoever (until trying for full synch). mfw reading this article :-/
This x10000
"Though while it was slightly uncomfortable to be told that we should play in one way over the way we had wanted and were excited to play, it didn't impede our review or game process."
This would make the most sense.
So basically, you haven't played much of the game? There is sooooo much content, zones 25-80 that are 10x as entertaining as say... the Charr starting zones.
You're still here? I've missed your comments thanks to this damn Kinja system. Anyway... thanks for the link.
Thank you. Jason Sudekis is terrible.
It's true of any first-party magazine. First-party games get a 2 point review bump and third-parties with a bigger focus on other platforms get the shaft.
I played through the entirety of the PS3 version and found none of these impeding bugs. Here's an actual review:
See kids? This is what's it's like to have too much time on your hands.