
Sorry someone got hurt but I’m all for kicking cars. I’ve done it. If you ride a bike basically everyone is trying to kill you. If you note the car swerved in to the biker damn near the same instant he kicked it leading me to believe it was coming kick or not. I’d like to know the whole story of who did what to whom

I’ve always been surprised they and the intake manifold weren’t cast in with the block. Why not? I know some early 6's had cast intake manifolds. Only downside was doing any kind of performance upgrade.

Fucking orange shit gibbon.

Just like real war, tree that is in your way conveniently moves. Christ.

Every one likes their new car and wouldn’t admit making that kind of mistake even if they didn’t. I want to know how they like it 3-4 years in.

I’ve had 18 wheelers do this to me just because I was legally lane splitting on my motorcycle. A-holes everywhere.

HD could fuck up Ducati in about an hour. However you would be able to find Ducati t-shirts everywhere then.

pretty scary but i miss the dirt. I drove up it many times and of course cranked it sideways at every (safe) opportunity though at very low speeds......

If you can afford a Ferrari you are a dick. Wish I was one.

I admit a prejudice. I insist on a female doctor. They are way better than my fellow males. They actually ask questions and try to provide you with good care.

Cop was clearly going way too fast for that street. No hope he could respond at all to any red light or someone stepping in the street. Cop was way wrong. Also with modern vehicles its real hard to hear emergency vehicles....maybe that is some sort of autonomous thing they could have....big red light on the dash that

Neutral: how about good drivers connected to the steering wheel and three (3!) pedals and not their frigging phone and nav system and infotainment etc?

Infotainment hack? Who gives a shit? I want music, that’s it. If you are too stupid to take a look at a map before you start driving then quit driving. Jesus. More pussyfication of the world.

I never understood a car thermometer. I’m pretty sure I know if its cold or hot.

I keep looking but can’t find the electric motor or windings or strainer. I did find pump and filter which I changed in under 5 minutes.

Every time I park my 68 F100 in a parking lot I marvel at how damn big vehicles have gotten. Its nuts to consider that my full sized truck is the smallest thing in the parking lot.

Open face helmet with a thin face mask and goggles. Poly long sleeve shirt with back vents. Boots with vents, not solid leather. Water bottle at hand. Leave early and stop early. I’ve crossed the Mojave many times and it works just fine.

Mid 80's. Compton, yeah that Compton. About 2am. I’m a blonde Viking in a TR6. Immediately surrounded by friendly locals that want to make sure my wallet and car are safe.........luckily I could prove I had been born in COmpton. Spent next couple hours laughing with them about this jack ass (me) being from Compton.

Don the Con “saves” jobs from going to Mexico. No really. They are going to China not Mexico. See I saved them! Win!

Headlight switch a pull knob on dash. Horn in center of steering wheel. High beam button on floor.