Mavericks were real decent vehicles and bone simple. That 250 can really be made to run. Aussies have tons of speed parts for them.
Mavericks were real decent vehicles and bone simple. That 250 can really be made to run. Aussies have tons of speed parts for them.
Jesus you are a pig when it comes to doing repair work. Sorry but the evidence is there. Clean up your act. I’ve never made a mess like that. I can assure you however that nothing will remove the stain caused by doing a burnout with a Shovelhead chopper in the living room.
With the way sedans are built these days they are quite low and difficult to get in to. Go to a car show or dealer and get in sedans and then crossovers you will see the immediate difference. Reality is I wish we would call them what they are....station wagons.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.....
Modern day car guy pretty much never touches it except to drive it, badly. Any passion for cars is for theirs being better or more expensive than the next guys. Those that truly revel in cars and dig in to them, modify and work on them, are not this target group. We are a dying breed.
Listen to Jason he is spot on. Nothing sweeter than an Econoline pickup. Plus in an accident you get to arrive first!
First horns in new cars are barely there. Second a horn is the last resort in a car/truck. Third, I have an air horn on my motorcycle as I damn sure use it a lot. I tap it in warning to folks as they are about to run me over. I get flipped off a fair amount but truth is also haven’t been run over. Fourth, the other…
1st gear: Based on most FCA vehicles I’ve driven I’d be happy if something worked, like an airbag, even if it wasn’t at the right time.
My 68 F100 is 3 on the tree and I consider it the greatest theft deterrent there is these days. As far as large trucks go the old 5 speed with 3 speed Brownie box was the greatest. You have 15 gears but had to shift two sticks at once at arm through the steering wheel to grab one stick and you other…
After the ass licking I saw at that cabinet meeting yesterday anything is possible. God I truly didn’t know there were that many people that could belittle themselves so easily. Oh I forget these are the tough Republicans that are snowflakes here right? Ask any woman, talk about your big dick and its a…
I’d believe her if she said to Trump “I quit you orange shit gibbon”.
Yeah but we didn’t have a hipster beard and a man bun to cloud our thinking......and we worked on our own car.
No, you don’t have to be a psychotic asshole. That’s the problem, people think, well, maybe you do. At least the assholes do.
If I was a rich guy this is exactly how I’d waste my fortune. Well that and hookers and coke but you get the idea.
Only good thing about it is it probably could get out of its own way unlike most VW vans. However I’d be happier if that was a Subaru engine back there.
1st gear....huh, those 7" sealed beams in my truck work just fine.....its not real fast and neither are the headlights.
‘Iv never been a commuter on the subway. However as a tourist I have enjoyed the service and envied New Yorkers for having a system like theirs. What a joy to get around without a car in a large city.
What is the speculation on why the engines suck?
V12? Then Ferrari. A front engined Ferrari. Nothing else.
Its going to be so fun when autonomous cars hit the road. It will be great sport to brake check them over and over and watch their passengers get flung about. Or when they lane change do so with them back and forth. Or go just slow/fast enough on a two lane road that it won’t pass you. Then watch their passengers go…