These are the MB’s that made their reputation for reliability. Not so much ever since.
These are the MB’s that made their reputation for reliability. Not so much ever since.
Only the last generation could you get a six but that was typical for the times as a base engine. Dual quad Hemi available at know a real damn Hemi. Lots with drum brakes all around and manual steering too. Guys with man bun need not apply. Hipsters either.
All this is boys are Vikings (seriously their grandfather was born in Lapland above the arctic circle). So white I called them the Aryan Brotherhood. There are all grown now but they still battle staying ahead of the sun. I’m losing the skin cancer battle piece by piece since I’m white as snow.
Pull in as far as you can while not getting in the way of oncoming or turning traffic. BUT don’t go out there and get stuck. The only way to get stuck is be a DICK and pull out when clearly there isn’t a prayer of you getting through the intersection.
Go to YouTube and look at vehicle wreck videos...its 99% Russian. One watch and you will never ever get in a car, truck, bus, train anything with wheels in the country and the sidewalks ain’t none too safe either.
I was about to say nice Camaro but then realized it belongs to someone who will eventually (and just did) make it the usual clapped out Camaro you expect.
Glad he’s ok and thank god for one less Vette.
Nothing scary at all if you know how to fix it yourself. I do. So I have peace of mind, no worrying and mucho extra cash in my pocket. However if you don’t have the skills/knowledge don’t even try, just pay for it to be done. Reality ain’t like the DIY home improvement shows. At all.
This is when you go find a Subaru ad/commercial showing their cars hauling ass around race tracks and show it to the dickweed dealer. Car companies get away with murder by showing you cars ripping around tracks and trucks in the dirt rock climbing yet we can’t use them as advertised?
I have an old Ford truck and their door handles are literally perfect. Grab a big piece of beefy chrome and push a chrome button. Even better the mechanism is so simple they work perfect forever (mine is at 50 years and counting). Oh and no dead battery in the fob or car will keep me out.
I’ll keep shifting my car, truck and 2 motorcycles......Even bikes are getting slush drive these days. The horror.
Dude did the right thing. Some idiot lawyer will no doubt try to make a case out of it.
Cops have a tough job but frankly most of them I have interacted with were kind of dicks. My interaction isn’t just on the roadside trying to get out of a ticket either, its within the community. We have one fat bike cop here in Napa that has an attitude so big you can see it in his whole demeanor.
I don’t want autonomous anything. I damn sure don’t want 80,000 pounds of truck backing over me due to a “software issue”.
I had a 63 MGB as my first car. Being a bit slow I then moved up to a TR6. Nearly bought a some point in there I had two brain cells collide and said adios to British cars or as I called them....statues.
why would he sit for an interview with Chester the molester? Go read the transcripts, O’Reilly is a scummy human.
I had one, decent but slow car. It was entertaining though. On real hot days it would shoot mini ice cubes out of the vents at you.
Probably got beat up a lot as a kid and no doubt is packing a wee one.....I mean even other cops can’t stand him.
Oh, and get ready for us to bail out the car lenders....we did savings and loans and then we did the home loan companies....these guys have to be next. It always amazes me not only that people get these loans but latter they get blamed when the lender fails. What? I can’t make you give me a loan you idiot. Now I may…
It was pretty cool car, better than the Bug.