If Trump privatizes air traffic control it will do wonders for trains........
If Trump privatizes air traffic control it will do wonders for trains........
If you buy this you better own stock in a vacuum hose manufacturer. They have miles of it and somehow they all leak. My buddy was a service write at Jag when these model were new. He said it didn’t matter what it came in for they started replacing hose first.
I guarantee the Porsche fans will kill this one. They are mildly (?) nuts about what a Porsche is and isn’t. In just about every way this is a much better car than they produced originally. Porschephiles ignore it was underpowered and a rust bucket and then add its a VW not a Porsche of course to justify it.
I’ll be glad I won’t make it to the day to see this. I dont like crnage on the highways but I damn sure also dont want to ride in a pod sleeping while I get taking everywhere.
Whores they all are. Looking at that picture how could any of us for even one second stand between those buffoons? Musk has no spine.
there are two small ferries in the California Delta, they are cable ferries. That means they basically hang on to a cable to get across the river and slough they traverse. They ahve just enough power to go back and forth while hanging on to the cable. Each holds 6-8 cars. This winter one of the cables broke and the…
Dont overlook this size bike. I’m 6'2" and 235 and rode a Honda 450 all over the place including weekend trips LA to SF and back. Most, heck nearly all of the bikes we buy aren’t used as intended. This is a hop on and go bike. As such its something you would tend to ride more than most others. I have a big ass bike…
Bearded, man bun hipster....wouldn’t know a Chevy if it ran over him.
I’d suggest you take every opportunity to punt the competition off course in the first mile or you will be sucking dust.
I’ve seen Nascar at a number of track dating back to the late 60's. Best racing for the fan is at Sonoma. Real test of the drivers and cars.
How does a shitty trans make it in to production? I will say the manufacturers are going a shade to far seeking MPG and performance. My 2016 Forester (6 speed manual...I’m no CVT pussy) has 4th gear as an overdrive which makes 5th and 6th absurdly overdriven. Bad plan. It’s OK but not good thinking.
These are the kinds of things Dodger fans dream of........
I had this happen at CAl Jam. 300k plus people partying at Ontario Motorspeedway. I was dumping Quaaludes in to a quart of orange juice as one of my many activities that day. At some point I “fell asleep”. Woke up, sat up and looked around. Mostly other people like me and trash and roadies. Otherwise everyone was…
I used to work for a forklift dealer. We complained to the manufacturer all the time about how they packaged things then would tell us we could replace something in an hour that took a day. By pure luck (and idiocy on the manufacturers part) we got to stand with the engineers in their lab. They happened to have one…
The Burger King sucks and we all know. Creepy as hell and well the food is not much better. I’d go with a real monarch every time fries or not.
A hatch is the perfect answer. I suspect CUV/SUV sales will dip as hatches make a come back. Sedans are toast. Why? Baby boomers. Tough to get in and out of them.
I saw them run and your first thought was that will never work. Second thought was uh-oh that thing is fast. Changed racing forever.
If by insane you mean ugly as hell then yeah, most any modern race car.
As a big white guy born in Compton (that’s right, Compton) I have been to many a black cookout. This is spot on. Being a white guy from Compton I can fight and then some. I married in to a Mexican family and its about the same only different music and food. Oh, and I’m the tallest person there by about a foot.…
He’s the Trump of Nascar.....a petulant child.