
Truly dumb as a brick.

Hey you got to do something when your dick is tiny and your brain is even smaller.... so lets choke a reporter to beat down those gay, I mean, liberal thoughts I have at night alone, in the men’s room, of the rest stop on I-90.....

I think I’d chip in just to get the Lakers to take a pass on him and his old man. It would be so sweet to see him fall in to the second round and end up in Memphis or something.......However NBA greed won’t allow that to happen. I do know I’d like to be there when his dad takes a run at Magic Johnson.....

Buried 70's Corvettes is too good for them.

My kids never did it however.....I had my two plus their friend in the back of my Isuzu Rodeo heading out to a camping trip. We have gone about a mile from the house when I hear one of the kids say “fart”. I said what? At that moment their friend projectile vomited forward with such force and volume it hit me in the

Glad I’ll be dead in probably 20 years. I’ll take my old truck and motorcycle with me. EV is the future and fuck EV.

My Forester same way. Let me see the bits and pieces.

Mini trucks used to have the spare under the bed that you lowered via a crank. I always thought that was a great spot for it. If nothing else it would have to help in a rear end collision. Honestly I’m about to take the spare out of my Forester. I haven’t had a flat in 40 years on any of my vehicles so why carry it

I’ve ridden every inch of HWY 1 on my motorcycle multiple times. I n fact last friday I was on part of it north of San Francisco. Its twisty, narrow and at times way up above the ocean. Dangerous if you let it be but one of the best rides or drives you will ever take. The southern portion where this slide is gets most

A few keepers but mostly some seriously hideous cars. Except the Mario Karts.

Reverse: I’m still pissed they wrecked that Tbird. Go jump off, leave the Bird alone.

While certainly in very nice shape its way overpriced....even if it does have the word Elegante in its name.

Should have moved the Sonoma date to be in to the playoffs. Already exciting racing would get wild.

If it was me........“Whats the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Chevy?” That would be the Chevy Vega.

Its the way I have explored the world. Driving my vehicle or riding my motorcycle and thinking “hey whats over there? Whats down that road?” I can’ t imagine having that taken from me. Luckily I won’t have to, I’m aging out before this nonsense becomes real. By the way one piece of tech that helps with wandering is

For those of us with proper motorcycles where the engine isn’t hidden behind boy racer panels.....use S100 engine Brightner. Makes your engine look like new. Indeed their whole line of products are superb for your bike.

She deserved it and then some BUT you don’t hit women.......

I think this is the lawyer that got me extra time on the inside......

Biker did nothing legally wrong. I do consider it not real bright to be running along in the HOV lane at a much higher speed than the surrounding traffic for this very reason. Dipshit in the car would have got his ass beat had it been me. Biker was pretty calm considering what just happened. Guys in the car had to be

there are usually a couple thousand nukes sitting in Albuquerque. they go there for final transport over to Pantex in Amarillo. They are sitting southeast of the main runway at ABQ International in a big underground facility. You can see the road leading in to it on Google Earth.