
The cognitive dissonance comes from the persecution myth central to Evangelical Christianity. It fetishizes martyrs and considers “spiritual warfare” to be a literal thing that actually happens. They believe they are persecuted for their faith not only when they don’t get their way, exactly, but also whenever they

She got hers the old fashioned way: screwing a rich guy and crapping out a (white) anchor baby. The only kid she cares about is hers.

It’s a political Rorschach test: do you see a stubborn, ignorant baby or a resilient maverick (barf)?

I think we should all evaluate others based on their interactions in elementary school. It is the only real assessment of someone’s character.

I thought Trump said we were once again respected around the world thanks to him... I suspect he may not be an entirely honest person.

Tiffany still trades on the Trump name to her own benefit. She supported her father during the campaign and has never denounced anything he and his other kids have done. This fantasy that she’s a Trump disruptor needs to be put to bed. Melania and Tiffany aren’t victims or saviours, the joke isn’t funny anymore.

Among tomorrow’s Trump Toilet Tweets:

Before the ACA, insurance companies did consider pregnancy a pre-existing condition and regularly charged women higher rates.

This whole lawsuit sounds like the victims and their families are money hungry. Yes it was a terrible incident. The security guard / off duty cop was not at his post because he was removing an under aged kid from the club. This is something that club bouncers and security guards do all the time. And as for the

I have a friend who was very much like this. He was on the football team in college and his wife was a cheerleader. He went into business, she did random stuff. When we met them, she wasn’t working, and he complained about her not contributing to the expenses (even though she was a SAHM for their three kids). So she

They want the virgin who’s a demon in the sack, and they want the ‘50s housewife who earns like a career woman. Shy, yet assertive! Complex, yet simple!

I don’t think that’s it. Not all religion forbids questions and curiosity. And up and until we’re at the point where science has explained everything in the known universe, there’s room for faith. I’m an atheist raised by atheists, but I appreciate the role faith plays in a lot of people’s lives.


I would never disrespect a troop. My granfather was troop. Each troop means something special to the person who loves that troop. Our country depends on the respect we give to each and every troop. Gorb bless all the troop.

It used to be that crashes and deaths caused by driving while drunk was just considered a part of the inherent risk of driving. People drive; people drink; sometimes bad things happen. Such is life. It took a concerted effort of pissed of moms of dead kids to say that conceptualization was fucked up and it’s not only

Great writing.

What makes me angry about the entire “incel” thing - outside of the obvious entitlement and objectification of women - is that these assholes claiming that women are just picking high-status men are the same assholes who won’t date “beneath them.” It’s not that they CAN’T get laid. They just don’t want any woman who

Although I have always wondered how it’s legal for parents of newborns to drive.

Same and she is now 2.5. Mine was terrible until around 18-19 months... It coincided with moving her to a floor bed (a hospital stay ruined her for cribs), but I do think it was purely coincidental. They just suck when young and get better with age, unless you get the magical sleeping baby. My friend’s first was like

As a dad of three, I can offer the only advice you need to know: Everyone else’s advice is wrong when applied to your baby.