
I'm always slightly amused by the assumptions made in discussions of the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligence. Almost all of the above arguments assume cogitation, intelligence, and value systems similar to ours - call it the Star Trek fallacy, that aliens are essentially humans with pointy ears. I simply

Once again, reading the comments to this article, without singling anyone out, I am moved to severe doubts about the new comment approval policies. But I do not in the slightest doubt that this comment will never be approved.

I guess since Nolan slipped with Interstellar, it's now going to be the cool and fashionable thing to disrespect him.

Yes, Avatar is derivative. So was Shakespeare. I'm not comparing the two, incidentally, any farther than in this narrow context. Hamlet was a story that had been around. Macbeth was a story that had been around. Titus Andronichus. Coriolanus. Richard III. Henry IV and Henry V. Much Ado About Nothing. Most of

Maquis=Kurds in '93

Here is a fascinating commentary on behind the scenes machinations in U.S. - Russia relations which puts an interesting perspective on Russia's recent pugnacity - a commentary which I don't feel should in any way be interpreted as apologia.

Well said, sir.

I think it's important to note that the A-10 provides no revenue streams of any significance to the military industrial complex, whereas the F-35 represents hundreds of billions. Forbes is a propaganda magazine for Wall Street. I don't think it's too much of a stretch to connect those dots. Furthermore, I think it's

My God, when Saxby Chambliss, who gained election by questioning the patriotism of a man who lost both legs and an arm in Vietnam, is the voice of reason in any debate, something is very, very wrong.

Comments such as this being approved cause me to seriously question the new comment approval policies.

Also, the way things have been going with commentary on this site, your lack of snark and snideness will probably result in your comment pending approval in perpetuity.

Thank you. An excellent and thoughtful, cogent commentary. I wish this was more the norm for commentary on religious subjects. At any rate, I'd never thought of the logos/mythos tension in these terms, but I'm certainly going to start. I'm not sure how far apart we are in our conclusions; I think perhaps we take


The movie itself was a magic trick.

I actually liked her a little better - only a little - than Noomi Rapace. I thought they were both brilliant, but when I heard about Rooney Mara - well, I respected her as an actress but I thought she was totally wrong for the part. Shows you what I know.

The Lost Room

I'm sorry, and I don't wish to be rude, but I am not sure you understood my point, and I disagree with you vigorously and completely. Thank you for reading my post and replying at such length, and I'm sure that our disagreement stems more from my rhetorical failings than any failing on your part, but I must stress

Actually, I had the exact same experience in reverse - a woman I loved very much wanted an open relationship, I said I didn't think I could handle it. She said she loved me and I was worth it, and I later found out just carried on with other men. Men don't have a corner on the prick market.