
Very amusing when a grammar nazi can’t use correct grammar.

Are you actually this obtuse, or are you trolling?

Didn’t this already get done in “The Quiet Earth?”

Every revolution carries within itself the seeds of its own destruction.

Well said. I felt exactly the same way. Also, whenever a scifi film features contemporary model cars with weird Rube Goldberg devices on the back, or for that matter contemporary firearms with same, you know there’s trouble coming.

Only the wound, speaking wordlessly in the dark.

There’s an album of overtone singing composed by David Stutz, called Iolet. It’s based on Neal Stephenson’s descriptions of the Avout singing in Anathem, and many of the pieces are structured around mathematical functions. Throat singing, Neal Stephenson, and obscure mathematics. Hat trick!

And before any chickenhawks want to start squealing about how we need these kinds of police forces to protect us from “the terrorists,” let us note carefully and well that it was not these men, but an off-duty traffic cop who stopped the attack. By himself. With a pistol.

History provides us with many excellent examples of what happens in countries where the police look like this. When the line between police and military is blurred, and the police become a paramilitary force, nothing but bad follows.

Good for you. You don't get it. I do. Many people do. That doesn't make it a cold, dull movie, it makes it a movie that some people don't like. I think pizza tastes like shit, but I am able to understand that this is an example of my particular individual taste and that as a great many people seem to like it a great

No, be honest with yourself. You said it to shit on other people, to give yourself a sense of smug superiority for not hanging with the cool kids, and to get attention. Now you have that attention and you want to whine about it. Your comment was not germane to this conversation. The issue is about the necessity of a

Says you. Thank you for your unsolicited opinion which is of no value or relevance whatsoever to this particular conversation.

Actually Ridley Scott always in the past took the view that Deckard was a replicant, even joking that European audiences picked up on this much more quickly than Americans.

Well said. And, thank you.

As a man who considers both giving and receiving oral sex to be almost the best part of sex, I do take issue with some of this. First off, I love getting blown, but I don't really care much if my partner doesn't want to do it. No problem, and since I enjoy going down on a woman, I'm fine doing that nonetheless. But I

There are no drugs associated with autism. And anyway, you are dodging the point here. If you want to look down on people with ASD as defectives, fine, but at least have the courage to admit your prejudice. Maybe you should get to know someone with ASD, talk to them about what it's like to constantly receive the

Evolution is ad hoc, not directional.

Autism is not a birth defect. It is not a defect at all. It is a difference. It is only a defect insofar as stupid people see those with ASD as defective.

All very nice, but the whole "I'll just quit when I don't get what I want" is exclusively the prerogative of the privileged. Us middle and working class wage slaves don't have that option, especially if we have kids and need insurance.

Children are not rational creatures, and indeed it is certainly debatable if humans are rational creatures, but that's another conversation. Young children do not operate on a rational evaluation of ethics or morals because they cannot think in the abstract. This is true to a greater or lesser extent in adolescence