A troll voice to champion all trolls.
A troll voice to champion all trolls.
That some deep trolling right there.
^^^but the asshole troll is right here^^^
Just-upset-because-nobody-is-fucking-you troll.
Epic douchebag troll.
Troll factory
Douche pa-TROLL
Fuck off troll
Jesus! How old are you 12?? Maybe trollve.
Maybe you could help her find her hairbrush.
Ok - hospitalizations have increased 25% but how much has the college-going population increased in that period? I think these numbers simply correlate the vilification of a culture that an aging population is ashamed they created in the first place.
This plug in is not supported. Ugh. No more images on the main page and now this!!
20 drops.....holy shit man!!!
I thought I was the only person who had a cat with this fetish!!! My Spike would go CRAZY for it.....to the point of getting angry if I pulledy had away. It was discovered by accident when I scratched an ear after swimming and Spike nearly bit my finger off.
Holy bajeezurs!!!!! That is fucking amazing!!
Why does this not have a thousand stars.?!?!
"Yeah. I came away from a lot of my online dating experiences with a bad taste in my mouth, too."
I hate Todd. Same guy called me chainsaw blowjob, for my braces. I had to ask several people what a blow job was. So embarrassing. Fuck Todds!!
You are right. "Saying you're stupid" and expecting a positive outcome relies, heavily, on the idea that you are dealing with a sleeper-genius. They would take those words into account and recitfy their erroneous ways. Since most north Americans are mouth breathing idiots, that can barely be classified as conscious…