
I make chocolate treats with avocado all the time, and it tastes like shit unless you sweeten it to taste. Raw honey is good but agave is sweeter and faster. :D

Also, protip: Boiling hot stuff in a blender causes steam, and it will explode and fuck_you_up if you're not careful and let the steam out. When I was reading this and saw that she put hot soup in a blender, I thought "oh god here it comes."

When you start to eat like this it's a huge, obnoxious lifestyle change and you're not going to knock it out of the park every day. The most success I've ever had is going to the store on a Saturday and getting everything on my list, then spending 3-4 hours on a Sunday cooking. Then you'll have freezer or refrigerated

I FEEL YOU sister. Preach!

You are fucked if you do and if you don't. It's a hot mess - for thin women, for fat women, for anyone. People need to quit Dr. Ozzing other people. I'm fat. And female. And vegan. On many occasions I eat Gwyneth-type stuff.

I'd donate.

Totally knew it didn't work that way. But I appreciate your response! And I think the overeating shock collar is still funny as hell. :D

The best thing you can do when dealing with a sociopath is CUT CONTACT. Continuing to communicate will only result in you further being narcissistic supply. Pray to whatever deity or non-deity you pray to, or think happy thoughts, that this person's children make it through childhood without significant emotional

Agree. And the shit I'm seeing on Jezebel this week - my god, why isn't there a block feature.

"I'm not a psychopath, I'm just missing empathy"

This is the best response there could have been.

Because they have families who are grieving them. That's who burials and funerals are really for. And the fact that you didn't even think about that when you wrote this out bugs me.

Seriously happening. Email me! I'm at yoga.class.online@gmail.

The self consciousness thing kills me. Yoga is for EVERY body. I'm gathering info using this email: yoga.class.online@gmail so email me! I hate not being able to DM. :/

I didn't mention that I'm actually heavy myself. And fit! Those two things are not mutually exclusive. :) I created a burner email - yoga.class.online@gmail - email me and I'll give you my personal info and tell you more <3 This goes for anyone who's interested. It would be cool to have a group! I am about to move

Awesome. I made a burner email - yoga.class.online@gmail - email me if you want and I'll give you the details and show a little about what I'm doing now. Woo!

Yes ma'am. I teach one in my community now but am taking it online in the next few months, donation-based classes. I'll send you info if you're interested. The live class has been super cool and a great experience <3

No GOODWILL happen if someone wears this pants. Eh? Eh? Wait, that was Goodyear. OMG ultimate fucking fail. I'm leaving it up

Usually obesity shit gets my panties all in a bunch on this site, but something about this struck me as hilarious. I just have this mental image of myself walking around with a shock collar on. OOH DORITOS *shock*. OOH TWINKIES *shock*.

Thank you. Exactly.