Taint Nuttin

These are not friendlies. They’re bizarre fail spectacles. Giant loser-fests, which will only be a depressing reminder that these teams aren’t where they should be.

“Golf is a good walk spoiled,” a famous man once said, speaking to the author of A Book of Quotes. Would it not, in

Really? I would’ve though he’d already been flushed down the toilet with the byline “former New York Post NBA columnist”

More like Mar-didn’t-tellusabouttheinjury, amirite?

You mean awesome like very large, right? Like a kaiju?

Upon viewing this again I get how maybe that segment gets taken the wrong way, but my take away from the whole 30 for 30 was more like “look at this sad old degenerate fool who fucked up his life and alienated his family” more than anything else.

How was it glorified, Flair comes across as a sad broken man at the end of the doc. Who admits to being a terrible husband and father and nothing more then a great wrestler. But I guess you missed that part.

I think maybe the animation was the problem. Because I felt, at least from the overall tone of the piece, that there was a true sadness that lurked about those stories. He says he has slept with at least 10,000 women. I dunno, man. That just seems sad to me.

Steve Smith is/was a scrappy badass. Ramsey is just a huge douche.

Nah, Ramsey being an FSU product just makes me think he’s a dick. Steve Smith could trash talk about your family tragedies and I’d probably defend him.

Counterpoint: actual Nazis mostly cower and hide if they know/expect they’ll be punched when they display themselves in public (see: Khaki Hitler whining like a bitch that he can’t go anywhere), and this is a good thing. Fuck Nazis, and punch them repeatedly.

Deion is such a bitch for this. Talked endless shit about Romo his entire career like it was his fault the line and defense were trash for the overwhelming majority of his career and only got his Super Bowl wins because he played on all-time great teams that were great before he got there and stayed great after he

What the hell was Winston doing? Lattimore was clearly walking away from the sideline. Winston’s acting like a douche while getting his ass kicked. He deserved to get shoved harder. Evans flies in with a far cheaper shot. What a punk team.

If rescued by helicopter? Maybe. But USCG/Navy also isn’t going to simply leave the boat bobbing around, they will send someone to retrieve it to keep it from becoming a hazzard.

Looking at the actions of the two teams who will most likely be 1 and 2 in the draft (49ers and Browns) leads me to believe that the 2018 crop of QBs aren’t shaping up that well. Especially if you are reverting to in-league QBs as your franchise options.

Doesn’t he know that the rules changed a few years back? Catchers aren’t allowed to defend home like that anymore.

Every time I start to feel bad for 49er fans, I remember how quickly they reverted back to their ‘80s-’90s levels of douche as soon as they started winning again, so fuck ‘em. If the decade of losing prior to Harbaugh couldn’t humble those insufferable pricks nothing will.