I think it’s a germ thing. Sensible.
you mean terrorist fist jab?
Didn’t he get shit for wearing a Miami Dolphins hat like, four years ago or something?
I will absolutely go for “the pound” Its a good middle ground and only usually reserved for people I kinda like so the handshake seems to formal, but don’t really know so I don’t feel that comfortable going with a hug. And its almost always less awkward than the average handshake.
Seems like it was the perfect gesture in the moment. I quite enjoy ‘the pound’ as a good in-between handshake and hug. My hug-friendly coworkers have found that I prefer not to be touched, the pound seems like a good substitute.
I once met Brent Spiner at a comic book convention. I went for a handshake and he instantly said “No thanks but I’ll [fistbump gesture] instead” and of course I obliged.
I do not like when people I do not have personal feelings for hug me, it creeps me right the fuck out.
Probably, considering his/her love for Pam the Funkstress (who is best known for being the DJ for the criminally slept-on, Oakland-based, hip-hop duo, The Coup [they got a brief moment of national attention when they had to replace the cover for an album that featured both Twin Towers exploding, before 9/11]).
As a white guy in his 50's, I don’t think I’d ever fist bumped anyone until I started a new job about five years ago. It’s constant fist bumping (or maybe high fives). Some people shake my hand, probably because they think it feels weird to fist bump someone who reminds them of their parents.
Pam the Funkstress is awesome. You have excellent taste in heroes.
Are you from California? This sounds like a Californian thing.
I got a shirt full of breast milk, which I think embarrassed me more than she.
I work in an office with all women and I am the only male. I handshake with all of them, definitely no hugs. but they hug each other. so..i don’t know
This is a fun/observant article. The hug/handshake dilemma is a weird one. Sometimes I want to hug a close male friend and I get looked at like I have two heads (as I am also a guy). Other times I would much rather shake the hand of a female acquaintance and my hand receives a glare that seems to suggest it’s coated…
Hand shaking is awful anyways. 75% of the time at work, it’s somebody I dislike. And then they wanna show how big a man they are with crushing, or it’s just fingers, or their hand are clammy, or they are just a dirty person.
As far as women go, I follow their lead. If they wanna shake, I’ll shake. If they wanna hug, I…
Financially doped? Barcelona is a tax exempt entity in Spain. THEY DONT PAY TAXES IN SPAIN.......ON ANY INCOME. That is financial doping. Have a rich owner (foreign or domestic) isn’t financial doping. It is the equivalent of winning the lottery.
Randall will not be ignored!
The Department of Justice, which is led by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who was confirmed to the position by a…