It seems like thinking the Browns have 6 wins in them this year is still tacitly admitting they suck.
It seems like thinking the Browns have 6 wins in them this year is still tacitly admitting they suck.
I checked the Browns’ 43-0 franchise debut loss against Pittsburgh. Mike Tomczak came in to relieve Kordell Stewart at QB for the Steelers and went 8-for-8 for 78 yards and 2 TD’s. Ha!
Ley is reporting on a shit-heel who claimed to be a doctor and peddled a product on infomercials that could allegedly CURE CANCER. I’d have a hard on writing an article taking him down a notch too. Also fuck the Pats.
I’d say it’s pretty patently false to present Brady’s regimen, not in an advertisement but in a supposedly objective piece of journalism, as some sort of magic formula that works wonders due to all the unusual methods and practices it contains, if the truth is that he’s just doing the same healthy stuff every…
Oh yeah. Guy who fumbles a lot and doesn’t catch passes. Total Brady guy.
Thank you!
congratulations, asshole
Getting married in April! :)
That is exactly what I’d be thinking if I was him. You can see where this is headed, and you want out before there’s no getting out.
And that is why Kyrie wants to be traded. He doesn’t want to be marooned in Cleveland after LeBron bails out.
That destiny could come true if he stays in Cleveland and LeBron opts out to go to LA.
Pretty sure that “jerk from Butler” is actually the mascot of Georgetown University — hence the big G in the center of the court, the large HOYAS painted near the sideline, the large “GEORGETOWN” painted on the baseline, the Georgetown flags being waved by the fans at the end, the fact that the video was posted to…
Major League Soccer, the famously cowardly league so afraid of things like “competition” and “risk” and “good ideas…
So you just wooshed past all the alternative medicine garbage and made the link to PEDs?
If you’ve ever seen Tom Brady with his shirt off you would never accuse him of using PEDs. I’ve seen 10 year olds with more muscular and athletic looking bodies.
To point 2 — is saying “yuck” really that bad in the context of things? If he was dragging the guy through the ringer, thats one thing, but homering any bad stats under the rug seems worse to me as a fan.
Legit question, Mr. Thompson: how is it you can pump out so much of such high quality all weekend long? No offense to any of the others, but Deadspin could use some of your written goodness during the weekdays, too.
As someone who loves their locally owned hardware store that pisses me off more than words can say.
The Cavs are always in a position of having the suck up to Lebron yet having to look like they are in charge. Which causes them to do stupid bullshit. I’m sure if you are Kyrie and feel like you are a top tier star it would get annoying.