Taint Nuttin

The only disappointing thing about this (and it is indeed very disappointing) is that McDaniels didn’t pull this on the Niners last year instead.

I’m super curious myself, but after following the drama before and after it’s release and then matching it up to the movie, it smells like all the parties involved had a lot of trouble coming up with a narrative they could all agree on, and that tenuous agreement fell apart when everybody looked at Tip as “the bad

I am very curious how history will treat that garbage-ass movie. Opinions were pretty evenly split in my immediate circle. But I had several conversations about it with randos who were really not trying to hear any criticism of it at all.

It’s also worth pointing out that a lot of the grown ups complaining about pop or club rap are scenesters who work in music and go out for politickin more than anything else. Grand commentary on the precarious state of rap becomes far less interesting when you realize it’s really just people complaining about the

My problem is with the adults more than the kids. I feel like I can expect the kids to respect what came before them, but I do not expect them to listen to it like it’s some kind of mandatory homework. That’s dumb.

Nailed it. That’s what’s really going on here- the music is still solid and varied enough that there’s something out there for everybody. But American rap culture is absolute trash because it revolves solely around kids and the club.

I don’t know if he had offset language in his contract or not, but sitting out a year probably got him more of Jed’s money than if he worked. Hero.


Not to be too much of a dick, but I would bet he’s the dumbest person to ever be the head coach of a major American sports franchise. He was held back a year, and it’s not like he needed it to develop physically, the guy was strong as an ox from the jump in HS. There are anecdotes I could share that would kinda clash

Yep. Bo going down took the air completely out of that season before Buffalo trounced us. Our grave had already been dug.

Ooooooo I gotta disagree. I don’t remember anything from that 51-3 game. But I can still see Beebe begging for, and getting, an absurd late PI flag that set up the score that made the difference in another low-scoring playoff game we had against them around the same time. Pretty sure that was one of the coldest games

Heartbreaker is waaaaaay worse. Question shouldn’t even be asked.

No man turns the page like the well-read man.

It was like being stuck next to an annoying guy at the bar. That’s a bad feeling, and I’m not going to say he’s worse than Ronde Barber, but Ronde Barber has never made me think that.

Barf Barf Barf

“Sheena has forgiven and we have emerged stronger.”

The whole “the really bad team needs to keep it close until the end” thing is only the second dumbest common sports analysis refrain. The worst ever is “the hardest thing to do in the NBA is win with talent.”

Welp, on the bright side, I assume the next time I see my buddy who works at the paper we’ll have a good laugh over the time he got offended on behalf of the entire city when I expressed my feelings that the “HEEEEEEEEATH” chant was highly suspect...

I feel like that’s what’s really behind asshattery like this, the notion that racism is binary, you either are or aren’t. And then it’s some eternal brand once somebody is accused, like there will be a neon sign saying “RACIST” hanging over their head the rest of their lives.

Nothing wrong with that, but that’s different than thinking he is/should feel culpable. Like a rant from him about how Janet got done dirty sounds more on point and appropriate than some kind of public apology.